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Beheading of Berg

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I heard he's Jewish so maybe it has something to do with the punishment, tho' it probably doesn't matter for them if it's a Jew or not.

I think that doesen't metter ! I don't think that he was Jew !...

I choose like Gunwounds not to watch the video, I think this man deserves a little dignity in death which he didn

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How can any of you say it doesn't make you sick to watch that clip? I know it's poor quality but this is fucking reality. Berg's head is cut from his head while he's screaming in agony!!!!

If you don't feel the slightest sick of it you are not human but sick little bastards.

Shygirl I don't think you or anyone else should see it out of dignity, there simply is absolutely NO dignity in seeing four insane extremist killing an innocent man in cold blood, the fact some of the clip has been shown in public is a discrace and shows little concern of the family, behind the man.

I must say that some of your answers in here makes me sick and extremely pissed, I almost smacked my little brother for saying this was just american propaganda, what I've seen seemed very real.

I know of the killing in the prisons but face it they weren't exactly as innocent as Nick Berg, but it's disgracfull non the less.

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Hell yea! offcourse it makes me sick to watch a clip where a man get's his head cut off.

10 years a go it would have scared me, not it simply disgusts me a little, People need to learn how to take off a head though, ITs not saw saw saw, its hack hack hack, morons...

you would have been five year old and still walk around with your thumb in your mouth.

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One man. One incident. And comparitively it's not a terrible way to go. They could have broken his bones one by one first, or put out his eyes or made him swallow his fingers. Beheading's not such a bad way, even if it is drawn out... One man. Not such a big deal in the big picture.

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One man. One incident. And comparitively it's not a terrible way to go. They could have broken his bones one by one first, or put out his eyes or made him swallow his fingers. Beheading's not such a bad way, even if it is drawn out... One man. Not such a big deal in the big picture.

but this is an endless loop.... we can always think up some type of torture/murder.... and then think of

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The big picture is different from that. The big picture is: How many cultures destroyed: 0

How many planets wiped out: 0

How many enviroments destroyed: 0

How many deaths: 1

Not that big a deal.

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The big picture is different from that. The big picture is: How many cultures destroyed: 0

How many planets wiped out: 0

How many enviroments destroyed: 0

How many deaths: 1

Not that big a deal.

hahaha we could use that above reasoning to proclaim just about anything "not a big deal"  hehe

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I do.

ok then do you agree with this....

Offense:  Discrimination against someone at your school

How many cultures destroyed: 0

How many planets wiped out: 0

How many enviroments destroyed: 0

How many deaths: 0

Not a big deal...

However  i believe discrimination is one thing you dont stand for correct?

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Just because it's not a big deal in the big picture, doesn't mean I have to be completely detached. And just because I use one argument one one situation, does not mean I am forced to use it in another. Very little is important to me with the exception of the enviroment, discrimination, and things which affect me personally or those around me. The murder in this case falls into none of those categories.

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The big picture really is important here.

So many peoplge get murdered everywhere that this is nothing special, really.

However, it is brutal nonetheless.

I don't really think we even have a debate here as we're basically agreeing, but someone are bit more extreme in either way than others.

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Just because it's not a big deal in the big picture, doesn't mean I have to be completely detached. And just because I use one argument one one situation, does not mean I am forced to use it in another. Very little is important to me with the exception of the enviroment, discrimination, and things which affect me personally or those around me. The murder in this case falls into none of those categories.

yes, thats true, it doesnt fall into any of those categories.

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The big picture really is important here.

So many peoplge get murdered everywhere that this is nothing special, really.

However, it is brutal nonetheless.

I don't really think we even have a debate here as we're basically agreeing, but someone are bit more extreme in either way than others.


yes, thats true, it doesnt fall into any of those categories.

Also true.
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Very little is important to me with the exception of the enviroment, discrimination, and things which affect me personally or those around me. The murder in this case falls into none of those categories.

When you say environment and discrimination ... i am also assuming you mean environmental situations that ONLY affect you right? (like drilling for oil in Alaska doesnt affect you directly so that wouldnt be a concern).... and discrimination i assume would follow the same reasoning ?

Because if it didnt... then the discrimination of Berg for being jewish/american would make it fall into your category of discrimination unless you meant the discrimination only applies to you and those around you.

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