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On Dune. An audience member asked him if he was proud of Dune. He said "yes of course. The first cut that we had was 3 hours and 50 minutes. The studio wanted it cut down to two hours. What do you have left? But I am proud, they are like my children"

From Aint-It-Cool-News.

Kinda nice to read.

I wonder how long until he cuts a music CD?


Same old, same old.



Subject: The Dune Affair

Comment: De Laurentis is responsible for taking away Dune from the hands of the one man who could make it: Jodorowsky! Think about it, it has an emperor of the Universe, a Jihad against machines, prophecies and everything else that makes it look like as if it was written for Jodorowsky to direct. You add to that designs by Moebius, soundtrack by Pink Floyd, Guild Members with designs by Gigger and what do you have: A SCI-FI MASTERPIECE. It would have made Jodorowsky the biggest science-fiction name in the movies and Matrix would have been done in the early 80's, that's how fucking far we'd be on the sci-fi movies. But no, this guy's passion for the movies made him give the movie to Lynch, who made a mildly good flick, instead of the masterpice-sequel-generator-Dune Jodorowsky would have made.

What do you think about this? Could Jodorowsky make a better Dune than Lynch?


Personally, I really liked Lynch's Dune.  It really had character, and was interesting to watch.

I don't think Jodorowski could do better.  From what I heard of his project, it sounded like it would have been a bit lame, what with the Emperor being a cardboard cutout and all...


Don't forge the whole "Hive mind" thing.  Bleh.

And Dino did not take the project away from Jodorowski.


I'm sorry, but I read Jodorowsky's big long thing on his version of Dune (I think you can find it somewhere on the Landsraad) and it sounded awful.  He was talking about Duke Leto being castrated and Paul having sex with his mom and a bunch of totally unecessary crazy made up crap.  No thanks.  The man also had no respect for the creative process.  One of the first things he says is "I do not want to respect the original".  He goes on to explain how stories are merely "bestowed" on their creators.  Which is total bull...Dune wasn't "bestowed" to Frank.  He spent years and YEARS planning it and thinking it out.


You are slightly confused.  Ridely Scott is the one who wanted Paul and Jessica to have an incestous relationship which ultimately produced Alia.  But other than that, yeah, you speak the truth.  He had some majorly fucked up ideas.

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