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Dragoon Knight

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I was just wondering if anyone here plays Runescape, the online RPG?  If yes, then who are you?  I'm new to the game - just found it a couple of days ago.  I be a lumberjack at the moment... choppin' trees down by the dozen, making some money.

In saying that, if anyone doesn't play it, it might be worth checking it out here.  The graphics aren't amazing, but it's FREE and it's MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER.  Worth a look, if you ask me.

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Never said it was amazing... it's not terrible, though.  Sure, the interface could be much better, but what do you expect?  It's free, so you're only getting what you paid for. :)

The mechanism behind it is what I like.  I like leveling up and making loads of money and crafting weapons and mining and all the other stuff you get to do.  Are you saying you don't like that either?

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The fucking game isn't free. You have to pay for a membership to use all features of the game.

The quests are simple and stupid.

The battles are simple and boring.

The skill system was and is stupid. I played the game like a year so I know what I'm talking about.

The game offers you nothing more than endless stupid, boring fights, uncreative quests and places, and oh yes - some simple, boring mining. They even spoilt the mining system, it was a lot better before.

And one of the deepest hole in the game is weapons & armours. There are bronze, iron, steel, mithril, adanmite, rune and dragonliasdasdfasgsdhgsdghhfhwhatever armor and weapon sets. Hello? What is thea idea of this? all armors and weapons can be made of every metal, there is a dagger, a sword, a scimitar, an axe, a battle axe, a mace, two-handed sword, leggins (the game calls them 'legs', which is plain stupid), platemail armour,  chainmail armour, shield, two types of helmet and some other stuff. Err. The only way the weapons and metals differ that they are stronger. It's stupid. There aren't even some magical weapons that would differ some way. And wow, they tried to do the two-handed a bit different, as you can't hold a shield when wielding the sword. But nah, they spoilt even that. The shield is useless when you have two-handed.

There are many other things I could whine for, but this is my advice:

Pay for a better MMORPG, or play 'normal' RPGs.

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All good points.  I agree that it isn't worth paying for, but I like its simplicity.  Best bit about it is, when - as you say - someone gets bored of it, you can just up and quit playing it without having paid for anything.

I'll play it for a while yet, just to keep me occupied until I can afford Star Wars: Galaxies... or maybe I'll wait until I can get my hands on a copy of World of Warcraft... (drools).

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