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Earth 2150


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I've got both Earth 2150 and The Moon Project. I would start at Earth 2150. :) The Moon Project only gives you a few more toys to play with, but is pretty much the same as Earth 2150, only in a different setting. As for Lost Souls, I never saw a single copy of that selling in an Australian store.

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Well I'll describe them somewhat...

The original is still worth getting, though it has less units then the 2 sequals and the balancing isn't as finely tuned. Also you'll have zero probability of ever getting an online game, most people moved on to Moon when it got out. The single player campaigns are good fun though, and the movie scenes are beautiful.

The Moon Project has improved balancing over the original and a slightly improved engine, but the campaigns are not as fun and much shorter, and the movie scenes suck.

Lost Souls is the most recent addition. Actually it's just TMP with new, very good and very challenging single player campaigns. The movie scenes are pretty good and the plot of the campaigns is very captivating.

As for multiplayer, LS players can play online witch eachother as well as TMP players (provided you have the patch), since they're basicly the same games with different campaigns and a few other minor things. Frankly I don't know if it's still played by a reasonable amount of people, I haven't played it in ages, but there probably are still some German players left (where the game was most popular).[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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I think the music is nice. In TMP a bit improved over the original. It's not realy my favorite but it's not irritating. The game definetly has it's weak and and it's strong points. Music i think is pretty good. But not realy it's strongest point.

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The music varies depending on the situation. I found the music to be adequate for whatever I was doing at the time, and it really helps to make a great battlefield atmosphere. When you come under attack, the music will change to a more dramatic theme as combat commences. Then there's the music for hiding, turning off all the lights in your base to try to keep a low profile at night in the darkness, or creeping around in the dark with your units lights off. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have The Moon Project

about a year ago i installed it. played it for about 5 minutes.  then shelved it, never to touch it again. 

i can't STAND the computer voice in that game.  the one that lets you know what is going on.   

i know it can be turned off - but it's no FUN to play an RTS game in which i can't HEAR as the fundamental functions of the game are being done

they really shoulda hired another voice actor too or something cuz that alone was enough to make me unable to stomach the game for more than 5 minutes

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The voice of wich side, that is?

Procyon, did you get the game? I liked it a lot, but maybe you should consider getting World War III: Black Gold if you can find it instead, wich is made by the same guys. It has an easier learning curve then Earth 2150.[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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That would probably be the ED voice, since the other 2 computer voices are female.

So you put a game back in the closet because you don't like the computer voice of one faction, while you could just as easily have picked one of the other 2 factions with very different voices?[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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That would probably be the ED voice, since the other 2 computer voices are female.

So you put a game back in the closet because you don't like the computer voice of one faction, while you could just as easily have picked one of the other 2 factions with very different voices?

well the thing is i didn't know the other factions had different computer voices.  Emp only has one computer voice for all 3 Houses (even tho the wording for what she says does vary slightly).

the manual didn't explain that either. i did read the manual while installing. there is no WARNING MESSAGE in it that states that only one side has a terrible-sounding voice and the other sides' voices are played by a different voice actor

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  • 3 months later...

I got EArth 2150. I like it, and I`m wonder if i should get Moon project and lost souls. Do you really recommend me the sequels? What new do they have?

Theres  are some units I don`t understand whats their use. For example the fake Pamir TT, that is a fake cheap version of a tank. Another example are the units with a flag called banner.

Some of the videos are corrupted, I reinstalled them in my HD, but they are still corrupt, I only can see the start of them.

The videos are in a wd1 format, whit which program can I see them?

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You can install a banner on a tank to make it create an aura. This aura adds 2 experience to all surrounding friendly units.

Fake pamir is obviously to make your army look bigger than it actually is.

TMP is ok. There's bigger maps, new missions and a few new units (of which i'm not too fond). All in all TMP is pretty decent though.

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