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Edric and his line of thought

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Edric is very intelligent, at least I think so and hope that it is pretty obvious to others.

There is also a sort of naive way with him. It is kinda like a savant way of thinking. Not exactly like that, but an example of his thought process'.

Edric suprisingly acts pretty one dimensionally when talking with his co-conspirators. When they talk, edric sometimes doesnt fully understand the deeper meaning of things, and often gets caught up in dead ends that the rest seem to look down upon. I dont know if I am the only one who has noticed this, but edric does seem dense at times.

He understands and has a certain respect for paul, and is enabled to understand aspects of the flow of time, and to even create some sort of barrier around his co-conspirators. It seems though that through his massive manipluation, he is not on the same level as humanity, he really thinks differently from a human being, and it is leading me to think that the navigators are truly a completely seperate species, through their evolution.

It isnt stupidity that causes edric to lag in certain things, I just think that the intelligence is on a scale that is so different (not really higher), that he has a hard time concieving thoughts of others in certain cases.

what do you guys think?


Lol, definitely ;)

Edric is as you said TMA, a different species, via mutation. His thought processes are undoubtedly altered as a result of every aspect of his profession. Your mind set for being a navigator, likely changes your perspectives and thought process to a fashion that suits your position. They think figures, probabilities perhaps, rather than considering the human condition.


I always thought of Edric as being much like Count Fenrig.  The conspirators seemed to value him only for his precient shield, but I suspect he had a far better understanding of things than he let on.


The sum of the estimated relative usefulness-value of any given outcome, multiplied by the probability of the outcome, for all possible outcomes of any given situation arising from a decision defines the expected benefit derived from such a choice. The choice which thus appears to effect the most beneficial situation is the most logical.

This is what I reckon to be how the navigator work; to a certain extent, we all try to estimate this, most of us subconsciously.


It's like A Philip K Dick story, where a war is launched on the basis of computer generated probabilities, based on all available information. It's just those numbers.

And Nema, if you don't write a god damn book, about ANYTHING, I'll be very disappointed. A brain like yours should be frozen and restored later on, throned king, and given a little t-shirt with it's picture on it ;)


suck up.lol ;)

yeah you pegged it nema, with better wording then I could ever come up with. hehe

you like edric by the way nema?


The sum of the estimated relative usefulness-value of any given outcome, multiplied by the probability of the outcome, for all possible outcomes of any given situation arising from a decision defines the expected benefit derived from such a choice. The choice which thus appears to effect the most beneficial situation is the most logical.

This is what I reckon to be how the navigator work; to a certain extent, we all try to estimate this, most of us subconsciously.

ah, probability matemathics. I love it :)

do you have a profession within matemathics and physics nema?


I would also think they deal a lot with probabilities and forcasts. (For some reason I got dejavu about saying that?)

Or maybe its cause I'm doing forcasts now ;D. and they suck.


"do you have a profession within matemathics and physics nema?"


"And Nema, if you don't write a god damn book, about ANYTHING, I'll be very disappointed. A brain like yours should be frozen and restored later on, throned king, and given a little t-shirt with it's picture on it"

I'm just happy right now trying to explain Roman/Carthaginian military situations to bemused classsicists in terms of probabilities and quantum theory.

"you like edric by the way nema?"

We share many common views. Often different appproaches, but common views.

"edric sometimes doesnt fully understand the deeper meaning of things"

Don't underestimate the slight difficulty in things due to loss of information through translation. It's not an easy skill, working in a different language, even if you're as well-versed as Edric.


"I'm just happy right now trying to explain Roman/Carthaginian military situations to bemused classsicists in terms of probabilities and quantum theory."

I just love the way that sounds, lol :D I can't help but picture Hannibal falling into a black hole though ;)

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