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How Do I?????????.............

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I just recently joined westwood on-line......today as a matter of fact.....I get into the game screen?.....the main one I believe, to begin channels and join channels etc., etc,......My question is how do I join a channel or create one of my own.....everytime I put in a channel name it says "sorry, that room is full" and I tried some very unique names.....they can't possibly exist.....anyway, my preference is Dune 2000 and I can't wait to play online, so if anyone could help me I'd really appreciate it. Also, how can I download maps? Everytime I try to download I get an error message?.....Thanks

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hooray....... thanks ...it was easy....a few more questions though......1) can you play without the cd?....reason....

i have the cd, my roommate doesn't and we want to play against each other....is it possible with only the one cd? 2) when I played the system kept stopping the games and said it sent them to the server....what is that all about...????

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