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homeworld 2


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What the hell did you just say?

wait NM I'll use my translator ;D


LOL that was great! Nice one  :D

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At the end of each mission, the resources will automatically be collected for you. The only time I came close to running out of RU's was in Mission 4 (which I consider to be one of the hardest missions in the campaign).

If you're having trouble with the campaign and you don't know what to do, listen to Fleet Intelligence. Fleet Intelligence 'analyses sensor data, and generates mission objectives'. ::)

When things get really dicey, 'Pause' the game. You can still issue orders and change your view while the game is paused.

Remember that when you dock squadrons of fighters, any lost craft in those particular squadrons are replaced free of charge. Use this to your advantage, but do not let the entire squadron be wiped out.

Additonally, press the spacebar see your sensor screen. This can be very useful in finding out where you're being attacked from.

Basically, Homeworld2 is a micromanagement storm. It's the most intense, fast paced, and mentally exhausting RTS game I've come across, but it's also one of the most well balanced. Every unit has its use at all times in the game, you can't just build the biggest ships and go in with guns blazing. I'd recommend it to anyone that likes space based RTS games. :)

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I just beat it and figured out how, put a mobile refinery at both of the big BTU areas with 3-5 miners each, fromt the statt make lots of fighters, bombers and corvettes, as the infilrtrators come and you can make amrine one, build 2 marine frigites and use them to take over the infiltrators as they try to infiltrate the station, soon you'll have 4 of them (max) but you can still capture well sort of you disable them (permanently)

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You should have some bomber and interceptor squadrons from mission 2 to take with you to this mission. If you did really well in mission 2, you will have some elite gunship and bomber squadrons with you as well.

When you begin mission 3, there is absolutely no time to waste at all. Immediately begin moving the Pride of Hiigara to the asteroid field (with the RU's) directly north of your starting position, and start mining the surrounding asteroids. While your mothership is on the way, send ALL of your gunships and interceptors to the shipyard, and order them to guard it. If any of your gunship or interceptor squadrons take losses or heavy damage, dock them with the shipyard for repairs, and as soon as they pop out again, order them to guard the shipyard. Order any bomber squadrons you have to attack frigates that show up.

Once the shipyard is safe, you'll be ordered to repair the shipyard. DO NOT repair the shipyard, let it self-repair. This will buy you time to re-assemble your fleet, and repair your squadrons. The Vaygr will probably send a probe to scan you sometime. The probe is quickly and easily destroyed by one scout squadron. Soon, a Vaygr carrier will arrive in the south-east, and start spamming strike craft. Take ALL the ships that are protecting the shipyard, and (keeping them together), move them towards the carrier. What you are doing is escorting your bombers so they can destroy the carrier. Take out the fighter facility FIRST, then attack the carrier's hull. Any strike craft and corvettes that attempt to protect the carrier should be no match for your interceptors and gunship squadrons. If you have any pulsar gunships, use them to support your bombers.

When this carrier is destroyed, mop up any leftover Vaygr resource gathers that you see, then return quickly to the shipyard. Dock and repair any squadrons that have taken damage or losses. The shipyard should have repaired to an adequate level by now, and you will receive a carrier. Move the carrier to the nearby asteroid field to help speed up the resource gathering process. You should build at least one marine frigate from this carrier, and 3-4 flak frigates. When the flak frigates are done, send them to guard the shipyard.

3 Vaygr carriers will probably be in the area before this is all done. Don't panic or lose your concentration. Keep Pulsar gunships around the shipyard to protect it from Vaygr infiltrator frigates. Again, keep a close eye on your squadrons, dock and repair any squadrons that take heavy losses or damage, but try not to lose any squadrons entirely. If you can capture any infiltrator or assault frigates with your marine frigate(s), you can add them to your fleet! :D Don't bother trying to capture the Vaygr carriers though, it's simply a waste of time.

The sooner you take out the carriers, the better. Search for and destroy the carrier with the fighter facility FIRST, this will ease the pressure on your forces greatly. Escort bombers to take out the fighter facility, then the carrier. While the bombers pick away at the carrier, gunships and interceptors should provide cover. The flak frigates and the pulsar corvettes back at the shipyard should provide the shipyard with cover both from strike craft and infiltrator frigates. If none of the enemy forces are attacking the shipyard, commit your forces to taking out the carriers quickly, but keep an eye on any infiltrator frigates that try to slip past.

Overall, you should move your squadrons together and let them support each other in order to be most effective. I tend to select my entire mixture of units that I'm going to use to attack, and band box attack from the sensors screen.

When the carriers are destroyed, re-assemble and repair your fleet. Use this time to research upgrades, build facilities and new squadrons, etc etc. When you're done, build and move a mobile refinery to the designated location on the map. After all mission objectives have been completed, you'll get a surprise visit from an old ally...

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Here's the link to the Homeworld 2 Walkthrough Forum, for those of you that are struggling with the campaign.

I'd strongly suggest trying the game on your own first though, since that forum is bursting with spoilers.

Btw Procyon, what did you mean by this?

HW campaign is hard to me (also in easy).

As far as I know, there is no difficulty setting in Homeworld 2. The campaign difficulty uses a dynamic system, which isn't manually adjustable by the user.

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