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Well thanks Cyborg.

Got some cool news guys.

Necron has been doing some work on our homepage, has done some updating, talking to me about concepts and such and as well is in the making of our forums.

Please guys, you are more than welcome to join our forums, or just to visit and see how we are doing. The more input we have from the Dune2k community, the better our chances are, of our outcome being the best as possible. This is the link:


Please be patient with our site, our mod team is still quite small. Recruiting has been moving extremely slow, so our work pile is quite high per person.

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Thanks for the comments guys, but as far as the parabol is concerned, I only took the model from the rendering of the sonic tank I had, if you think it should be curved, I see no problems there...

Thats why we post here to have suggestions and insights, and believe me we are open to all suggestions, so feel free to interact as much as you want...



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I see that you've made your model like that shot from Dune 2000.

However, that implementation of a sonic emitter is quite stupid.

Actually, waves would be sent all over the place, and only be a tiny bit concentrated by the vertical kind of shield.

Anyway, you might also want to do something about the textures of that thing meant to concentrate the sonic waves, but other than those things I mentioned, the model is exceptionally well textured, and good looking.

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Can you be more explicative, cause I dont understand exactly what you mean, what should I do with the Sonic emiter and and is wrong with the texture of it...

I am quite open to suggestions but please gimme more details...

Ok, to keep it straight and simple...

The only blueish texture on the sonic tank should be of better resolution.

Right now it looks too much stretched.

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Dont worry you were not, but I was thinking of doing some changes to the original designs, adapting the models to give them a more realistic look, plus with the track guards the sonic has in the front it aint able to climb any hills :) they drag on the ground, that need to be fixed...  And I was thinking also the make the Sonic parabol to be more like the Emperor version...

The only problem is how far can I push the adaptation until it doesnt look and feel like Dune 2000???

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