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I wonder: has anyone here heard of this hit animation series ?

No, I do not refer to it as a cartoon, know do I care about those buggers at Nickelodeon that cancelled it because, honestly, they're capitalist buggers who do not like hardcore stuff (and ZIm's quite tough even for kids. It's more for adolesecents and even adults)

Also: the Irken Empire of Invader ZIm, ZIm's race, is, as you can guess, the inspiration behind the first half of my nick, and, for me, is what the Ordos reminded me of. No kidding ! Listening to Jarred Mendelson's music, as well as the cool ultra-futuristic dystopian background of House Ordos, was enough to remind myself ot eh irken empire (another reason why I named savegames after thing like "Dib & Gaz", "Zim" and so on.

ANyone else here who watched Invader Zim ?


Ive seen Invader Zim before.

It was a pretty awsome show. Sorta too bad he got all that crapy equipment to work with.

Even though ger is really funny and adds alot to the show it would be better for zim to have a compitent robot.

Some of the storys were great. I liked the one where some other aliens like capture the earth and are towing it to burn it up or some shit. And so Zim has to save earth so he can destroy it lol.

Ah the irony.....

ah well it was a really fun show while it lasted, i think its still on from time to time on reruns......



I've also seen "Invader Zim". At least when I get home early from college, I have the chance to watch it at our local channel... Poor Zim indeed...I feel sorry for the guy...hmm...maybe I should make him another Death Stinger or something...

*Runs off to collect Zoid Cores...*

Ehehehehehe... ;D

And I don't care if people comment that I still have a mind of a kid and watch cartoons...or Japanese anime for that matter...but what the heck...both have their cool, unique qualities...


Ahh, fond memories...

It showed here five times, once a day for a week, and then was cut. Not for any good reason, it was just cut.

Personally I thought it was hilarious.


Yay !

I'm thinking of an invader Zim/ Dune crossover, not only with the characters from ZIm, but also with the usage of an impoved Ordos: the Irken ordos. Maybe I'll start it this weekend, once I start on my fanfics here.....

DS: It was cut by them Nicelodeon buggers: they apparently didn't like it at all. Production halted in 2001, with 13 episodes yet to be finished.


This site has got the BEST in info. about Zim.

For the new fic I intend to do, I'm using soem info. from here: http://www.thescarymonkeyshow.com/irkenguide.htm

For downloadable episodes and other Zim stuff (YES ! You CAN dload episodes !):

www.roomwithamoose.com (also one of the boards I frequent. Look for a black tallest)


I liked the guys other work to be honest like squee and johnny, it's better and that's where the invader zim aliens were from,squee and johnny: the homocidal maniac get the comics. . .now.



I already have JtHM. Or more precisely Z?: The Director's CUt.

But I stilll like the created world of ZIm, and the Irken Empire. It is incredibly Ordos-esque to a degree.


yeah zim is pretty funny but i never really knew when it was on, I'd only catch snippets of it, I dunno why but I really like squee, maybe because his best-briend is the anti-christ or the fact that his parents hate him so much.


Squee is a guy you just have GOT to feel sorry for.

Hmm...... I just realised that 'Nny makes a perfect member of House Harkonnen, with all that leather and killer ability; better than Feyd Rautha or even Gunseng. Of course, he is his own guy, but....with a fw tlielaxu mind drugs, and proper control; he be an effective machine for House Harkonnen. Or maybe he's actuallr rule Harkonnen.

I;d call him Harko'Nny.

Maybe I'd start on s Jhonen Vasquez/Dune crossover series soon.....


I just downloaded the first episode off Kazza. I never knew how to see that show again but it dawned to be that I could download it.

So I downloaded " The Nightmare Begins" the first Invader Zim episode. I always like that one.

Shame that they dont take Zim seriously....

Im gonna get the rest of the episodes soon so I have the whole collection.

Zim is a great show, I wish it was still on tv.


[hide] That's because Zim killed (by accident) Tallest Miyuki (cool...Japanese) and the other Tallest, Spork...and now replaced by Tallest Red and Purple, to whom Zim caused a little trouble. So they send Zim to Earth under the guise of investigation and later planetary conquest...but in reality...they just want Zim to be far away...[/hide]

Anyway Irken Ordos...do you have a site for the fics or are you doing one here?

*Death Stinger 2: 20% complete, 10% per post until further notice to hurry or cancel production... To be sent to Zim after completion...*

Hehe...nothing really...


Okay...let me get to that after surfing something...

*Suddenly faints from nosebleeding...*

*Recovers a few seconds later...*

*Death Stinger 2: 50% complete. Still proceeding at 20% per post.*

NEW EDIT: I checked out one of your threads at roomwithamoose.com. Pretty interesting...you should involve yourself in the PRP(Politics, Religion and Philosophy) threads.

Here's the link for y'all:



Yeah: I've been to the PRP area around here: maybe I should involve myself a bit more.

Also: that thread is part of the reason why I admire the Irken EMpire so much; it's so Ordos-esque; mercenary, money-motivated, alien..and so on.

(I wonder: are you part of RwaM ? h: and have you seen my FF site ?

ANd apologies for the nosebleed)


Yep, I've been to your FF.net page... I just wish that you'd finish the fic on Invader Tak though...but so far, it's a cool piece of work. ;)

And don't worry, it was me who did the nosebleeding...I was surfing something at the time and had THAT as a side effect...

And...that's it...I'm officially addicted to the I.Z. universe...

I'm not yet a member of RwaM...sounds interesting to join that forum though...

EDIT: Almost forgot...

*Death Stinger 2: 70% complete. Currently designing modifications for Irken use.*



No, I do not refer to it as a cartoon, know do I care about those buggers at Nickelodeon that cancelled it because, honestly, they're capitalist buggers who do not like hardcore stuff (and ZIm's quite tough even for kids. It's more for adolesecents and even adults)

Well, what can you expect...the capitalist buggers behind Nickelodeon are also the ones behind that lobotomizing, popularity vain channel, M-frigging-TV...

(Any more descriptions for this "junk" channel will be appreciated.)


Hmm...not much people on this post anymore... Eh, what the heck...

*Death Stinger 2: Production hurried...Irken modifications complete... Death Stinger 2 completed. Ready for interdimensional warp shipment to Invader Zim universe.*

Go forth and be used destrucively...

*Death Stinger 2 goes through the rift...*

Irken Ordos, I've surfed RWAM again and heard abt. the I.Z. DVD...was that for real? And if so...when is the release?

And on second thought...I don't have good experience dealing w/ flamers... :-...so I dunno...


Hmm...not much people on this post anymore... Eh, what the heck...

*Death Stinger 2: Production hurried...Irken modifications complete... Death Stinger 2 completed. Ready for interdimensional warp shipment to Invader Zim universe.*

Go forth and be used destrucively...

*Death Stinger 2 goes through the rift...*

Irken Ordos, I've surfed RWAM again and heard abt. the I.Z. DVD...was that for real? And if so...when is the release?

And on second thought...I don't have good experience dealing w/ flamers... :-...so I dunno...

Dun worry: I'll vouch for you there. I'll just say I brought you there from here. besides: the Mooser are actually very nice peopel; they can just get over-elitist, until someone shows them the error of their ways.

Yes, the IZ DVD release is for real.

Give it a try.

Oh yeah, and when you join, send em a PM there immediately (I'm known, of course, as the Black Tallest)


Oh, and I'll start on that long awaited fan fiction of mine soon.

I'm just awaiting that moment.......


I think I've already thought of a name for the Room With A Moose forums... (Clue: It comes from one of the Civilization III games me and my bro were playing...)

EDIT: And I'm in...

*The Death Stinger/Zim "fic" continues at the other forum...*

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