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Loss of Earth


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Fall of Man

By: Pho

Rating: PG-13

 Humans have always been a proud race. When they first reached into the stars, they found they were unique. Only plant life was discovered, with some non sentient animal life on the worlds they colonized.

 Thousands of years passed, and the Human race never discovered another sentient race. They were unique, they had decided. They were like Gods.

 It never occurred to them that the reason for no other sentient races was due to the extinction of the others. How could they? After all, they never found ruins.

 Humanity's first contact with those that had slayed the rest was a sorrowful event. Without warning, a fleet of over ten thousand craft dropped from a pocket dimension above the Human colony world of Dhampir. Within two hours, nothing could live on the world, not even bacteria.

 So began the bloody war. Now, ten years later, almost all of Humanity's ten thousand star systems had been purged of life. Only three cruisers remained to guard the cradle of Human civilization.

 "Has Proxima Centauri reported in," asked Rabwin Zoletta, his head resting in his hand.

 "No Captain," replied his communications officer," We believe it to be lost."

 "How about the Pluto listening post?"


 "The Uranus observation station?"

 "Gone," said the communications officer.

 "The Jupiter gas mines?"


 "The facility we aren't supposed to know exists on Mars?"

 "Still there, but no life readings on the colony."


 "No Admiral, and the life signs at the research base are dropping rapidly."

 Zoletta frowned, and remembered what the Head of the Hellbound Project had told him, "We stand on the edge of Hell, trying to open it. We will touch the face of God, and in so doing, become Gods ourselves."

 "Tell the Rentar and Liberty to prepare for battle," said Zoletta angrily.

 "Aye sir...sir, there's a signal being broadcast to all Human recievers on all channels."

 "Put it on."

 A face appeared onscreen. It was that of a grey haired man, with pale blue eyes, and deep wrinkles across his face. He was the President of the Holy Human Empire...and he hadn't looked that old when he was elected.

 "My fellow members of Humanity," said the President slowly, his voice showing exhaustion," The Human Race stands on the cusp of extinction. Some of this is our doing, the rest is the Valonians.

 "An hour ago, our scientists succeeded in The Hellbound Project, our next to the last line of defense. They opened the gates of Hell, and in so doing, released an army of the Fallen Angels. They slaughtered our people on Mars.

 "Our most advanced scanners show they are fighting the Valonians in the asteroid belt. Despite who wins, it is doubtful the Earth will survive. Even now, tens of thousands of transports are loading supplies and refugees...to flee to parts unnkown.

 "Today we will fight to the bitter end if the need arises. May the Lord look over you all."

 The image winked out.

 "Ready all weapons," said Zoletta, as the Valonian Fleet overwhelmed the Fallen Angels and exitted the asteroid belt.

 "Fire," he commanded.

 Searing white beams erupted from the three kilometer long cruisers. They punched into the lines of Valonian craft, yet it didn't matter. Thousands of Valonian ships exploded, but more took their places, filling in the lines.

 That was when they responded, and space was filled with plasma charges. Most ripped into the Rentar and Liberty, gutting them, and leaving them as hulks of metal. Only a few hit Zoletta's flagship, the Taqwa.

 "Forward weapons are down Admiral," said the weapons officer.

 Rabwin Zoletta sat there in his chair, thinking of his days in the Academy, and how large explosions created sensor shadows. Then with a grimace he thought of his wife, and his two daughters, but he knew what he had to do.

 "Give us full engine power," he said calmly," Ramming speed, target the largest Valonian Battleship."

 The crew looked toward him as he said it, but did as they were told. Despite what they had been told, they knew that the defense of this, the Cradle of Human Civilization, would be certain death.

 Plasma charges ripped through the outer hull. Large gashes were ripped in the side of the ship, but none of it mattered. Then the Taqwa hit the Valonian Flagship and a bright flash filled space for an instant, leaving a brief but massive sensor shadow.

 Hundreds of Human craft escaped from Earth undetected. Then, the Valonian Fleet moved forward to a geo-synchronis orbit. They hailed billions upon billions of plasma charges upon the lush world below. Within the hour, nothing could live on it.

 That wasn't enough for the Valonians however. Nuclear mines were dropped from each of the Valonian capital ships. Earth would remain forever as scorched glass.

 However, travelling far off, to a distant galaxy, were the escape craft. They were the one hope of the Human Race.

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