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A little Harkonnen Tactic/Build order...


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Ok, this is the first time I've ever bothered telling anyone any of my tactics simply because they never seem to work consistently enough for me to keep using them. :D

This one's an exception...

The Harkonnen Cannon Fodder March...

It's not just a Build order... it's a mentality...

This will not work well on huge maps... I have used it to great effect even on fishers plane but it is much easier to counter on this size of map.

Works best on: Knife fight and Spice bowl.

Against hark - This one's the simplest and probably most effective...

Deploy MCV

Windtrap > Barracks > Sard barracks > ref > fac

Meanwhile your'e pumping out copious amounts of infantry... make 2 scouts or so and then just loads of light infantry with the occasional trooper plus the regular sards. Get this force when it is sufficient to a rock near the enemy base. A lot of inexperienced players will underestimate your force, not expecting the sards and will attack with their small buzzy force and get annihilated. If not, sit their killing harvesters as you go until they need to act, but if you suspect your opponent is building inkvines and/or flametanks then dump a harv in his buzzies and attack him. By now you'll probably have a few buzzies of your own so block the enemy buzzies from running over your inf at all costs (even if they get close they'll probably get killed by inf fire anyway). Now simply advance into the base. Even if he builds turrets just stop whatever your huge inf force is doing and they'll auto-fire on the turret before it is complete, probably killing it before it can fire a shot.

Against Ordos:

More or less the same as before but if you for one moment expect a kobra (again most players almost entirely forget their existence nowadays) then get a fremen camp and some feds to dispose of them. Don't let your opponent get you with mortars, if you see him deploy his mortars near your troops run a lone fremen warrior amongst them so that they fire and kill themselves.

Against Atreides:

If you're playing 1v1... don't use this tactic.. the minos will make short work of your infantry. If it's a 2v2 then go ahead but instead of building loads of buzzies get some assault tanks early along with sard elites.

Other Tips:

If for some reason an ordos opponent has made it to inf rock with gassies then remember that gassies will own your infantry outright unless you have many more plus sards or warriors.

It is obvious to any reader that this tactic simply won't work all that well if the enemy suspects it, but the great thing is they don't tend to. Most people nowadays go fac first and if they do they'll find they're first tier units completely stomped by the sheer number of your infantry.

Watch out for those Ordos gas turrets! In a twist of fate if you're using this tactic they become elevated from the worst turret to by far the most effective. If possible destroy the enemy barracks before they can get a turret set. If they do get enough turrets in time just settle for busting up their economy.

I hope this strat is somewhat useful for you...

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Too easily countered.

Hark counter on this plan:He can just use any tanks to squash your sards.

Drop harv? Whazzz that? harvesters?

Note sards build slow and when you have a huge force of sards your opponent can have a huger force of flame troopers(at lease 2x bigger)

Ordos counter:Kobra builds at the same rate of a sard, and a kobra is definately enough to kil sards.

Atr counter: You sound like it's useless agaist them...

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Lol henry your post is hilarious just like the huge amount of spam you seem to have inflicted on this board.

Sards build at more than twice the speed of a kobra, flame troopers are too expensive to build on mass and if you're at all a decent player whatsoever the enemy eill not crush your infantry with saws... Oh and yes, surprisingly enough a harv is a harvester... Oh and if you want me to own you with ridiculous ease using this tactic, anytime...

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*quote:Lol henry your post is hilarious just like the huge amount of spam you seem to have inflicted on this board.

I'm not spamming, I'm just eager to speak. I have been watching this board for months before I can have an account.

Yah, sorry about the bit of the build speed compared to the kobra, but flame troopers cost almost the same(it's so cheap that it doesn't matter)

I really want to play on the internet but I can't find a way to do so! Whenever I try to get an account the page fails to load! Okay if you can register an acocunt for me and give me the pass and username I will go on the internet.

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LMBBO! That's hilarious! Flame troopers... suck! Their range is awful and you need to upgrade the barrack (1200) to get them! You've never played online and you're teling me my tactic is too easy to counter!? Damn your funny...

And as for being "eager to speak", you made 5 threads in the space of an hour and answered to every single topic on the front page! I've even got a screenshot of it!

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