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Everything posted by -_Trench_-
>:( yes it is !!!! a land vehicle that deploys into a building and into something else is possible- i just did it mwahahahahahahaha...but not a flaying one sadly- that didnt work...that whole chedder cheese thing is do able- i just need the right eqiupment and ill make my own army of evil taling cheese mwahahaahahaha :O :P and its that eagle guys mod and Incos if i right- i dont pay attention ...ever..its a curse... :'(
;DThanks- you have proven a very good accet- far from expendable ;D THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
but im to lazy- its your mod ;) A land vehicle that looks like an HK carry or the huge looking sand crawler thing all make it deploy into a building then undeploy into the units above - the strongest of which i want to look like a (clone)devastator that doesnt explode- the other can be a clone of the siege tank.....a missle tank that barages things with plazma...and a Dust scout that looks like it has HK texture to it...that would take - 4 buildings and 5 units the last building must deploy into the fast moveing HK carry all looking land vehicle again ........ so all together if you decide to add my unit- which would be alot of work i might try doing it myself- it would only take one texture- the one for the dust scout- and if you do that make its little head light red plz :P alot of work- but a cool unit for any mod.... Trench Assault Fortress er Trench somethin
ow lol once you think about it that wouldnt help at al any way- five inch tall warriors with shock rifles curseing te giant soldiers in their chipmunk voices while shooting their puny rays lol ...that sounds better lol
:( :-[ ::) :P Then a Vehicle with he HKADVCarry all look that deploys into somethin usefull? really really fast land vehicle that looks like a HKcarry alll ad deploys into something- first a antil tank unit- then anti infantry then siege then what ever and then The HKADV carry all again?
:) hey are lookin good- but howdo i use them? or is that just a preview
How would i stuff miniturization into a mod- there anrent any little things in emperor
:Pow the icon - i thought i was actually looking for a unit amidst all that rock and icon stuff... :P
::)I had another idea you could test- Its really tempting and i havent seen it done before ::) ok back to the HKADVCarryall... when it lands perhaps it could deploy into a building- a small low armored building with a high repair rate- then undeploy into a ground unit...then deploy once more into a carryall... and i think you could go about doing this by --- MVC= true Resource = what_ever_fits take away the ability to pick up anything just to make sure- and Inoc suggested if i worked it be an easy way to have a chain of units like a vehiclure face dancer :P....or maybe we could even get an infantry to deploy into a cask like thing and into another infantry createing a realistic face dancer- 8) I think- but im a little sceptical cuz ive seen that no one has tried it...or have and failed ???think it'll work? ???
So you could make like a landing orni that deploys into like a cask then into something else- if i hade the right skins would be perfect- ill think on that today Well ive done somethinking would it be possible to make a face dancer this way--- that would be cool- it could turn into a small cacoone or cask when it trans forms- the basic XAF could be either a deplying infantry or the "GU_MAN" he looks alot like a face dancer
Thats what i was thinking- that could give some ideas for some very intresting units- it could deploy into something that deploys into somethin else
I think since an IX projecter can deploy it can teleport like a Niab tank- my original idea was to make a teleporting APC out of it but it probably wont work due to the fact you need to deploy for noth functions... and another idea that i think wont work- can you make a Flying unit Deploy into a Building like a MVC does? i avent seen either of these used so i asume neither works right? :-
:'(can you make an EITS look like a HKADVCarryall? :'(
:Pwere is it? I cant see lol ::)
:D you did !!! cool thank inoculator you rock...I am working on two mods- One based on the dune universe and the other my own and they will both be very very cool trust me- the first mod is going to hve lots of extencive unit conversions- most of which are done expet the ordos((Richeses)) units and the subhouses but they are comming together...the sub houses fornew blood so far are the -Harkonnen Terrorists- -Ordos Smugglers- and -Ecaz- i think thats what the sword people are called :P............... the other mod which will either be named "Project Tichandrious" or "SNC mod"....i think ill go with the first name- right now one of the races buildings are ready and a little more than half the units...the other unit concets are on paper...This mod i wont put alot into but will be more like a pilot mod for mods of the series to come complete with a Storyline ;D THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! when ever you get th screenies up and running Ill be there to see em- my head is about to burst into flames to see what they look like :P :D
Thanks inoc..the only thin i really need now are some cool skins for infantry(cyborgs) and the Devestaotr (look fleshy with one big red eye somewhere just stick it antwhere lol)....and icons for the houses and sunhouese- what i had in mind for my flehsy race is the Infested terran portriat for their icon...i need an emblem that cries out in bloody murder "MERCENARIES" all over it...need a harvestering conglomorate sort of icon ..and ow i could use alot of help and ideas both of my mods- SNC and NEW BLOOD are doing great.but i am very un experienced an your wisdom Inoc is much apreciated ;D
"The Thing" is a very god mod and has inspired me to make a smaller mod with only a few aloud units so to get the feel of it and make it unique like the thing mod..Ghostly Squire made it I think...any who would the Creater of this mod please stand up- I could use your help if you would be so kind as to let me ::)
It would be really really cool if we combined this mod with someone elses and and kept it simple yet complex - Payable in Campaign mode but thats just a suggestion and youd have to find the perfect mod to combine it with one of Inoc or Apollyons would be really really good ;D ... Tryin to help what little i can lol
:O whoo..subteranian units..thats new how how how lol i still want paratroops lol but it cant be done *places his 45 colt revolver in his mouth cocks it and readies to pull the trigger...*...but before i go lol what all is in guild wars and where can i download it since fed2k is down... ???
Moritani and ecaz...sounds good the idea of the swords men would make great balanced units..what are the Moritani like? and what are the Ecaz and Moritani symbols?
come up wioth anything yet?
Well couldnt you make a suicide bomber that can attack and blow up when it deploys with say the graphic of a Fradraklin fremen?..probably not huh? :( ill kinda sit back and whatch im justa n ametuer and i feel like im being a itch to your problems heh sorry
:( Bummer....Well...then if its ok for me to be in it then can you make an infantry that squishes other infantry and prefurs to like the buzzsaw does with a plasma weopon for vehicles? ;Dplz ;D ;D And to the other guy...Id like to acheive paratroops that work and dont explode on impact with the ground :(
So if I replaced the sabatour and EITS with another unit it it wouldnt work...bummer :(
Im getting better at modding...but my mod is going to be so small in comparrisson to yours and everyone elses lol but is still works in mission mode... thefacedancer sounds cool i wish i knew how to get it to work- hey if you can though i dont think the XBF would agree because it doesnt deploy- the "GU_Man" looks alot like the dace dancer in the movie scene when they try to kill the sarduakar leaders but..i dont know if itll work or not :- I know it wouldnt fight back in that state if it did work as a transforming face dancer thingy