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  1. >:( yes it is !!!! a land vehicle that deploys into a building and into something else is possible- i just did it mwahahahahahahaha...but not a flaying one sadly- that didnt work...that whole chedder cheese thing is do able- i just need the right eqiupment and ill make my own army of evil taling cheese mwahahaahahaha :O :P and its that eagle guys mod and Incos if i right- i dont pay attention ...ever..its a curse... :'(
  2. ;DThanks- you have proven a very good accet- far from expendable ;D THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
  3. but im to lazy- its your mod ;) A land vehicle that looks like an HK carry or the huge looking sand crawler thing all make it deploy into a building then undeploy into the units above - the strongest of which i want to look like a (clone)devastator that doesnt explode- the other can be a clone of the siege tank.....a missle tank that barages things with plazma...and a Dust scout that looks like it has HK texture to it...that would take - 4 buildings and 5 units the last building must deploy into the fast moveing HK carry all looking land vehicle again ........ so all together if you decide to add my unit- which would be alot of work i might try doing it myself- it would only take one texture- the one for the dust scout- and if you do that make its little head light red plz :P alot of work- but a cool unit for any mod.... Trench Assault Fortress er Trench somethin
  4. ow lol once you think about it that wouldnt help at al any way- five inch tall warriors with shock rifles curseing te giant soldiers in their chipmunk voices while shooting their puny rays lol ...that sounds better lol
  5. :( :-[ ::) :P Then a Vehicle with he HKADVCarry all look that deploys into somethin usefull? really really fast land vehicle that looks like a HKcarry alll ad deploys into something- first a antil tank unit- then anti infantry then siege then what ever and then The HKADV carry all again?
  6. :) hey are lookin good- but howdo i use them? or is that just a preview
  7. How would i stuff miniturization into a mod- there anrent any little things in emperor
  8. :Pow the icon - i thought i was actually looking for a unit amidst all that rock and icon stuff... :P
  9. ::)I had another idea you could test- Its really tempting and i havent seen it done before ::) ok back to the HKADVCarryall... when it lands perhaps it could deploy into a building- a small low armored building with a high repair rate- then undeploy into a ground unit...then deploy once more into a carryall... and i think you could go about doing this by --- MVC= true Resource = what_ever_fits take away the ability to pick up anything just to make sure- and Inoc suggested if i worked it be an easy way to have a chain of units like a vehiclure face dancer :P....or maybe we could even get an infantry to deploy into a cask like thing and into another infantry createing a realistic face dancer- 8) I think- but im a little sceptical cuz ive seen that no one has tried it...or have and failed ???think it'll work? ???
  10. So you could make like a landing orni that deploys into like a cask then into something else- if i hade the right skins would be perfect- ill think on that today Well ive done somethinking would it be possible to make a face dancer this way--- that would be cool- it could turn into a small cacoone or cask when it trans forms- the basic XAF could be either a deplying infantry or the "GU_MAN" he looks alot like a face dancer
  11. Thats what i was thinking- that could give some ideas for some very intresting units- it could deploy into something that deploys into somethin else
  12. I think since an IX projecter can deploy it can teleport like a Niab tank- my original idea was to make a teleporting APC out of it but it probably wont work due to the fact you need to deploy for noth functions... and another idea that i think wont work- can you make a Flying unit Deploy into a Building like a MVC does? i avent seen either of these used so i asume neither works right? :-
  13. :'(can you make an EITS look like a HKADVCarryall? :'(
  14. :Pwere is it? I cant see lol ::)
  15. :D you did !!! cool thank inoculator you rock...I am working on two mods- One based on the dune universe and the other my own and they will both be very very cool trust me- the first mod is going to hve lots of extencive unit conversions- most of which are done expet the ordos((Richeses)) units and the subhouses but they are comming together...the sub houses fornew blood so far are the -Harkonnen Terrorists- -Ordos Smugglers- and -Ecaz- i think thats what the sword people are called :P............... the other mod which will either be named "Project Tichandrious" or "SNC mod"....i think ill go with the first name- right now one of the races buildings are ready and a little more than half the units...the other unit concets are on paper...This mod i wont put alot into but will be more like a pilot mod for mods of the series to come complete with a Storyline ;D THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! when ever you get th screenies up and running Ill be there to see em- my head is about to burst into flames to see what they look like :P :D
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