Well I may be the first one to on this topic (concerning Emperor: Battle for Dune favorite side that is) to have the Harkonnen as my favorite. Their strong powerful units spread across the chart. The flame tank, flamethrower infantry, and Buzzsaw can be used to easily take down huge amounts of opposing infantry. The Devastator has all around power with their dual plasma guns, the ground-to-air missiles, and their emergency self-destruct feature (which leads to a deadly nuclear explosion might I add). While the Harkonnen focus is obviously on using brute force, sadly many people usually forget how innovative and clever the units can be. The buzzsaw can tear up opponent's spice fields to hurt their income. Also the Irkvine Catapult's poisonous globs can be use to poison planned parts of land and is flammable. So that means you can have such units like the Harkonnen Flame Tank force fire on a row of globs to stop (or seriously damage) incoming forces. The Harkonnen engineers also have a pistol for self-defense, which can help in some very evil sneaky cases. While a force of Devastators may be both expensive and slow you can still air lift them with some advance carry-alls. Using the waypoint system you can simultaneously land the Devastators near the opponent's base while you send a strong force of Missile Tanks, flame tanks, and infantry units to help the weaknesses of the slow powerhouses. Now this may sound like an expensive strategy, but if your opponent doesn't have much anti-air you can air lift a devastator and land it near an important structure of theirs (Whether it is a starport, construction yard, barracks, or war factory). When the devastator can't hold up on it's own quickly set it to self-destruct causing massive damage to that structure (maybe destroying it) leaving a bit of radiation for some unlucky units. This strategy can hurt ordos more then others (since they have limited anti-air support) So in the end my favorite side is: Harkonnen