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Everything posted by Will
Working on a custom campaign and mod. Mod part is mostly done, now working on the Ordos campaign. This is progressing well; for now I'm not making things super complicated and it's just 1 mission per level. I will need new briefings and Mentat text, however, to reflect the changes in storyline and the tech tree. So, after many, many hours of research I figured out how to find, view, extract, decompress and edit the Mentat strings. What I've learned so far: 1. Choose "Westwood String Table Files (.ENG)" in SST Editor's file picker dialog, as read in a forum post. 2. Open MENTATO.ENG in SST Editor (which I extracted from ENGLISH.PAK using WestPak). 3. Auto Decompression is set to OFF, Use Compression is set to ON, as described in several forum posts. 4. I change one single letter to something else in SST Editor (to test I just changed the Raider Trike's armament description from "Light" to "Lighr". So not even changing string lengths or anything! Just substituting a letter for another one.) 5. Click Apply Changes. 6. Save File and close SSTE. 7. Run WestPak2_0.68a -> set Fix in the top menu bar to Dune 2 (I don't even know if this matters) 8. Using WestPak, Open ENGLISH.PAK 9. Select MENTATO.ENG in the PAK file -> right click -> replace with the one I just edited 10. Close WestPak 11. Start game -> start or load a game. 12. Go to Mentat screen -> click any entry other than mission briefing/advice -> DOSbox completely hangs requiring me to restart it. I'm at my wit's end here, how do I work this absolute hell-beast of a program?. I'm using the RC4 version of SST Editor, Dune 2 1.07 HitSquad version (not cracked) with the extra 1.07 fixes applied. *edit* Guess we don't use BBcode here anymore ;D oops. fixed.
Working on a little project I think I found an issue with the editor that broke my exe. I set the missile tank (Launcher) projectile ("Rocket") to be accurate. Now of course it's extremely OP so I modified the damage values. First I changed it in the Launcher's entry from 75 -> 35. This did not reduce the damage. Then I changed the damage in the Rocket weapon's entry from 75 -> 35. This worked. Then I figured, may as well set damage to 0 in the Launcher's entry since it doesn't do anything. Turns out I had accidentally also set damage to 0 for the weapon while making that change. So, Launcher has 0 damage output, its Rocket weapon also 0 damage output. But it does actually deal about 35 damage in the game. (!!) My problem is that setting the damage values for both the Launcher *and* the Rockets back to their original ones does not work, I am stuck with low-damage launchers. It seems something broke in the exe. I also removed the accuracy from the rockets just to be sure. Still borked. I googled around but can't find anything, and I just can't figure out what happened here. Anyone? *edit* After restoring the values to their originals, it took several restarts of the game for the changes to "stick". No clue how this works or why this happened.
:D this is rich! Let's see how this pans out. [me=Will]grabs some popcorn...[/me]
Hmm, I don't really have the same experience. Buildings repair WAY too fast in Dune II, IMO. It's especially frustrating when it takes ages to destroy a rocket turret, and it's immediately replaced by the AI. If building repair speed were to be reduced by, say, 50%, then it sounds like a good idea.
That seems very likely, yes. Did you know this is also in Red Alert 1? (Probably :P) I once multiplied all weapon damage by 10 (or so) in the rules.ini, and suddenly Artillery units had Cruiser shell explosions when they fired. All the projectile weapons now had changed explosion graphics (except for the Cruiser's shots, because those used the biggest cannon explosion graphic available in the game already).
I agree, the 'area guard' command causes the unit to move to its spawn location before commencing guarding said spawn point. It doesn't have anything to do with the 'retreat' command other than sharing a similar 'return to spawn point' part of the script. It's definitely a bug. I've tested this in the US and HitSquad versions.
I am very interested in this. I should *really* learn how to do ASM...
I've never been able to destroy concrete using any number of quad/trike/trooper bullets or combat tank shots, until I increased the damage to 40+. I think it's a property of the explosion type that comes with that amount of damage.
I have some new information - at least, I think it's new - about unit weapon damage. For bullet weapons (pistol, cannon) the explosion graphic that is used depends on the damage the weapon does. Under 10 damage: pistol graphics. 10-39 damage: tank shot explosion. 40+ damage: devastator shot explosion [this also destroys spice and concrete!) I found this out when I increased the Quad's damage to 10 and it started showing tank shell explosions when it hit something. Similarly, increasing the Combat Tank's damage to 40 also switched the graphic and explosion properties to that of a Devastator shell. Another thing is that with small amounts of damage (infantry, trooper machine guns, trikes, quads), the damage positioning causes the damage to be halved, rounded DOWN. That's a pretty big difference. That's why I recommend changing the unit's damage to an even number. 5 damage is reduced to 2, but 6 damage is reduced to 3. First option reduces damage by 60%, the other by 50%. It's not much, but until someone fixes the bug... On the other hand, I quite enjoy the mini-game of correct unit positioning... :P
You are correct.
I'm just about done, 3 more missions to go. However, I'm changing some aspects of the balancing, so it'll probably be a little while longer.
Yes. I tried this, and when you press Area Guard, the unit moves back to its original position (as per the Retreat command) and Area Guards that spot. :(
If you need someone to edit the mentat descriptions and you don't feel you have enough time, I'd be happy to help you. Just sayin'.
I just played the Fremen mission again, and I didn't have too much trouble. I wonder why I had the idea that it was so difficult; must have confused it with another mission. The Merc one is way harder. I think I'll try using more infantry next time.
You get swarmed, yes. One harvester isn't quite enough to get your economy going, especially when compared to the amount of enemy units appearing at once. Every time I play Mercenary or Fremen mission 1, it's a battle of attrition. I don't think I've even beaten the first Fremen mission yet. Also, on the missions with enemy 'thopters, sometimes 6 or more 'thopters appear at once [i suspect reinforcements, am I right?], pretty much wasting everything before you can really get a rocket turret up. I have the same problem in my own campaign when giving the AI more than two Hi-Tech factories: it likes to spend virtually ALL its starting money on 'thopters. Anyway, about the difficulty: no biggie, really, but it means I don't play SD2eX as much as I'd like to. I like to think I'm pretty good at Dune II, but I just don't have the patience to replay a very slow defeat by attrition too many times.
Good point. In my campaign I avoid giving too many AI opponents Hi-Tech factories, or they swarm you. If they also attack your rocket turrets, it will be impossible to destroy them with a cluster of turrets. You'll have to really space them out, because the turret will shoot at the approaching 'thopter, miss, then SLOWLY turn while the 'thopter flies over it, never getting a chance to shoot again. Ouch.
I have a question. I'm trying to turn the IX into an AI-controlled Starport (as inspired by Dune2EX, the Ordos & Mercs have access to a starport instead of a factory). The way I want to do this is to turn the IX into a factory that LOOKS like the starport but acts as a heavy factory (and is obviously only controllable by the AI). The graphic switch succeeded, but I can't get the AI to use it to produce units. I set "has a build screen" to YES, but it still doesn't work. When I give myself one of these buildings, it has the build unit icon of a carryall (which does nothing), and I can't enter the building's construction screen. Did I miss something? Do I have to change something in build.emc?
What? I've never ever seen this happen, neither in my US 1.07 or the HitSquad version - I always capture enemy structures to prevent them from rebuilding. May have to test this...
Ahhhhh, so THAT's what you meant. It wasn't clear to me. Thanks!
Thanks. I'd rather just zip up the whole dir, but I guess that wouldn't be legal, would it? I will definitely upload it at PPM soon, though I haven't seen too many people posting about Dune II. More promotion is always better, though ;) I also finished scenarios 14 through 16 yesterday. Another epic battle against the Harkonnen, the Sardaukar, and some supporting Ordos & Mercenary forces. Space is tight, so you start with some pre-built structures and an MCV. The scenario was also designed to be close to the structure limit, with Ordos & Merc forces sending quite a few Ornithopters as soon as they discover you. Destroying or capturing their lightly-defended bases as soon as possible will give you room to expand; they can't replace their structures, because they don't have any Con-Yards. The Harkonnen and Sardaukar have full-fledged bases, but won't join the battle for about 13 minutes. Better start building those Rocket Turrets right away, though... One scenario starts you off with a Starport (no Sonic Tanks right off the bat); The other gives you a Heavy Factory and an IX (Sonic Tanks available, but no Siege Tanks to be ordered, and still needs to be upgraded before you get Launchers/Combat Tanks, and of course you get no access to Carryalls right off the bat); The third gives you a Repair Facility and a Hi-Tech Factory. This means that you'll probably lose a lot less units than in the other scenarios, but replacing them will take more time. All three scenarios supply the player with 8 Fremen Trooper squads, which will really help out in the early game. This is how I've tried to make each scenario play out differently, not just in the lay-out of the map (as it is in vanilla Dune II). @Nyerguds: if I modify the .exe using an editor, I'll probably not be able to use your d2editor on it from then on. Right?
Dunedit, I think. I do remember being able to see the terrain in the editor back then, but my memory could be faulty. Those Ordos missions had some pretty interesting gameplay, but they were way too hard. A case of wanting to cram too many ideas into each level, as well. I don't have them anymore, unfortunately. The new Atreides missions are different. I just finished scenarios 11 through 13 (mission 5, ATR vs Ordos + Mercenaries). Together with the MASSIVE battle against the Sardaukar/Harkonnen invasion force in mission 4, these are really pushing Dune II to its limits. The scale of these conflicts demands the use of all-new tactics to secure victory.
MrFlibble: it's for the Dune II HitSquad version 1.07. That means that if you copy your Dune II HS directory and rename the file in the zip to Dune2.exe, it works for you. Right? I'll look into changing the files with a hex editor soon. That way I'll be able to include the continuous reinforcement fix Segra suggested, as well.
Okay. The first 10 Atreides scenarios (missions 1-4) are finished! I took care to make every scenario play differently, so it's worth it to try different paths. Screenshots: Scenario 1: A very warm welcome on Arrakis, indeed. Scenario 3: Using the Harkonnen's own Quads against them. Scenario 4: Silence before the storm... Scenario 4: Massive Sardaukar invasion force arrives on Arrakis Install by extracting to (a copy of) your Dune II directory, and running NDUNE2.EXE. Save games for the new scenarios are included as well! Feedback is, of course, welcomed. Have fun - I know I did by making these scenarios and play-testing them. More to come in the near future! NOTE: I've removed the attachment, since it has been re-attached to the first post - no need to load the forums with redundant files. - MrFlibble
About the campaign: I've aimed to keep the general Dune (II) storyline, but adding stuff left and right. The missions are decidedly more C&C-style than before. For example, Atreides mission 1 gives you a Starport and an MCV, but it appears the Harkonnens have left behind quite a few suicide troops to make your arrival on Dune miserable. Mercenary and Ordos forces harrass you with air drops, Saboteurs and sneak attacks. And when the Sardaukar arrive on Dune, they really DO arrive in force. Plenty of goodies have been scattered throughout the maps; although you may not be able to build a certain structure yet according to the tech tree, there might be a lightly defended Repair Facility, House of IX or Starport to even some apparently overwhelming odds. Same goes for units being air-dropped that you can't build yet. Better make them count... The Fremen will also have a far more involved role in affairs on Dune, other than just being spawned by the Atreides Palace. You will learn to love them, when playing as the Atreides - and you will learn to hate them, when playing as the Harkonnen scum or the insidious Ordos... Bugfixes/gameplay tweaks: The campaign/mod runs on the bugfixed Hit Squad version of Dune II that's been created by one of our beloved forum members ;) To soften the impact of the 'horizontal fire = half damage bug', I changed all amounts of damage to even numbers. It's a small change, but it helps - and it really adds up when using light vehicles and infantry. Sandworms now behave normally towards Atreides units, and vice versa; although on some maps, they are much more aggressive than before. Team bug fixed (obviously, since I'm creating all-new scenarios). Units deal quite a bit more damage, making it easier to 'beat' the AI's auto repair. Tech tree changes: Most units were reassigned. Light units are built from the Heavy Factory, and the Light Factory was removed from the game. Building speed for all units has been increased, because they are individually more powerful than before. Atreides: Infantry, Trike, Tank, Launcher, Sonic Tank Ordos: Infantry, Raider Trike, Tank, Deviator, Saboteur (built from Barracks at tech level 4) Harkonnen: Trooper, Quad, Siege Tank, Devastator Non-playable sides: Sardaukar: Trooper, Quad, Siege Tank, Launcher Fremen: Trooper, Trike, Tank, Sonic Tank Mercenaries: Infantry, Trike, Tank, Launcher Infantry and Troopers have been seriously beefed up. Their hit points and speed have been roughly doubled; turning speed, damage and rate of fire have been upgraded substantially. They are actually pretty useful right now, especially in dispatching light vehicles and other infantry. Because the speed of the heavier vehicles is still pretty much the same, it's also a bit harder to crush them now. Infantry sight range has been increased by 1 cell to 2, Trooper sight range to 3. Light Infantry squads can be trained at tech level 1, Heavy Trooper squads at level 2. Ordos lost access to Heavy Troopers, but can upgrade the Barracks to train Saboteurs. Saboteurs cost 300 credits, and can be trained starting at tech level 4. Saboteur hit points have been doubled, but I decided not to change anything else, especially not the turn rate. The limit on active Saboteurs is still 2 per map. This actually plays into the Ordos's strategy quite nicely, because they don't have access to Siege Tanks, Launchers or Sonic Tanks; being able to take out structures instantly gives them a good, sneaky way of countering the AI's auto-repair. Trikes, Raider Trikes and Quads: Their hit points have been upgraded from 100, 80 and 120 to 120, 100 and 150, respectively. Damage and rate of fire have also been increased. Trikes now fire faster than Quads, and Raider Trikes even more so. Light vehicle sight range has been increased from 2 to 3, making them actually useful for scouting now. This comes at a 50 credit increase in price, though. Heavy vehicles: Combat Tanks are now the only Tanks available to the Atreides, Ordos, Mercenary and Fremen factions. Rate of fire has been decreased slightly, but their damage was increased from 25 to 40. Hit points also increased to 240 (from 200). Tanks are available starting at tech level 3 from an upgraded Heavy Factory, and cost 450 credits. They are much more of a main battle tank now, and 4 of them can take down a Turret quite without sustaining too much damage. The Harkonnen and Sardaukar can construct Siege Tanks starting at tech level 4, after upgrading their Heavy Factory. This means that during mission 3, they are not able to build tanks yet - while the Atreides and the Ordos can! However, they have access to Trooper squads and beefed up Quads, and I'm planning on throwing in some bonus stuff to keep the slavering Ordos hordes at bay in mission 3 :P Siege Tanks are pretty much the same, but I've reduced their range from 5 cells to 4 to keep things balanced. Their main gun deals less damage than the Combat Tank's, but it fires twice. It does fire slower than before, though. The Harkonnen don't have access to Missile Tanks anymore; to compensate, the Devastator becomes available at the same time the Rocket Turret does. The Sardaukar can still build Missile Tanks, but they don't get access to Devastators. Missile Tank cost has been increased to 500 credits, and their range has been increased slightly. You can attack Rocket Turrets from any angle now. Note that because unit damage has been increased across the board, they are also more vulnerable now. I've also reduced their sight range a bit. Devastators still have their 5 cell range, and deal significantly more damage than Siege Tanks. They're more than just improved Siege Tanks now. Sonic Tanks are pretty much unchanged. Deviator cost has been slightly reduced, and effectiveness of the Deviator gas was increased. Harvesters have about 35% more hit points and 20% increased speed, but also cost 400 credits now. MCV cost reduced was to 800 credits, but it's only available from the Starport now. Structures: 2x2 Concrete Slab upgrade available from tech level 1. Walls available from tech level 3, instead of 4. Turret cost increased to 200, Rocket Turret cost increased to 400. Power drains are now 20 and 40, respectively. Turrets tech level is now 4 (was 5). Light Factory removed, as stated before. Heavy Factory available from level 2 on (3 if Hark/Sard). It also has 50% more hit points now. Harkonnen & Sardaukar Heavy Factories are slightly more expensive, but also have a bit more hit points than their wussy counterparts. Repair Facility tech level reduced to 4 (was 5). Hi-Tech Factory tech level reduced to 3 (was 5) - and you'll need it! IX tech level reduced to 6 (was 7). Starport tech level reduced to 4 (was 6) - but don't count on there being too many powerful units in the earlier missions. There are also quite a few early missions where you can get access to a Starport. The AI will attack your Construction Yard, Windtraps and Starport more aggressively than before. IX and Hi-Tech Factory hit points were halved. Palace hit points reduced by 20%. IX can now be captured. Refinery cost increased to 500, Harvester cost to 400. You also start with more money in every mission, though. Oh, and buildings spawn more infantry when destroyed. Be warned, they're not as defenseless as before :P
Dune 2 HitSquad version.