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Everything posted by Inoculator9

  1. 577 downloads

    Great House Expansion.
  2. Version Beta


    Suboid Rebellion Beta.
  3. 260 downloads

    Stealth Mod.
  4. 252 downloads

    Elite Warriors Mod.
  5. 244 downloads

    Mercenary Mod.
  6. 225 downloads

    Subhouse Expansion.
  7. 256 downloads

    The Corrino Expansion Mod's goal is to turn the Sardaukar, who have been renamed House Corrino, into a very comprehensive subhouse. Instead of replacing an original house and giving House Corrino the standard amount of buildings, infantry, and air units this mod allows the construction of a total of 10 infantry units in addition to the original infantry units. These new infantry units are relatively expensive but are equipped with superior armor and weapons, creating the risk of draining your funds building only a relatively small number of units. This gives those who choose House Corrino as a subhouse an advantage and a disadvantage, and the same with the opposition, who have to construct affective combat units to oppose them. The new Corrino infantry textures were made by GoldEagle with some additions made by me, all icons were made by Nema Fakei, all infantry xbf files were made by Apollyon, and all program file editing was performed by Inocualtor9.
  8. 123 downloads

    Elite Tank Mod.
  9. 156 downloads

    Guardians of the Sietch by Inoculator9 & Timenn.
  10. Version 2


    Plasma Mod.
  11. 134 downloads

    Insurrection Mod.
  12. Version 3


    Subhouse Building Mod
  13. 119 downloads

    Super Worm Mod.
  14. 96 downloads

    Transporter Mod by Inoculator9 & Lapifors.
  15. Version Beta


    The Fed2k Heroes Mod was designed to allow all the members of Fed2k Discussion to battle it out on Arrakis. We have about a dozen Fed2k Heroes lined up, but since this is the beta version only about 5 units have been included. Each of these units has fantastic new textures, new weapons, and icons. I have also written some little little stories for each of the hero units included in this beta. So from myself (Inoculator9) and GoldEagle, enjoy the beta and hope that a full version will be released. =)
  16. Version Beta


    Hourglass Mod Beta.
  17. 133 downloads

    Biogenics Guild Mod.
  18. 142 downloads

    Emperor's Hand Mod by Inoculator9 & TMA.
  19. 129 downloads

    Moritani Corrino Vernius.
  20. 122 downloads

    House Heroes Mod by Inoculator9 & Rubrao.
  21. 157 downloads

    Smuggler Mod.
  22. 160 downloads

    The Landsraad has recently discovered several illegal military techniques being used by the Ordos. The Ordos adoption of Tleilaxu technology has sparked an extreme response from the Council. During the Butlerian Jihad the Tleilaxu proved their use and are permitted to perform their experiments and biological testing, but the Ordos had no permission. The Emperor and his Sardaukar launched an enormous strike against all Ordos holdings. All Ordos production and training capabilities were annihilated. The Ordos took heavy military losses as well. Only through well placed bribes and political maneuvering were they able to avoid total destruction. The last Ordos gholas gained the loyalty of several Fremen and Smuggler groups. These are there only true allies. Through the Smugglers the Ordos can draw upon hidden military stockpiles. Now only tiny bases remain on Arrakis. Draconis IV was scorched to it's rock crust. The Ordos also gained several Ixian harvesting and refinement techniques through industrial espionage. Now they scrape out a meager living, selling Fremen Raiders as mercenaries.
  23. 153 downloads

    A detailed guide on how to add and edit the special abilities of old and new units.
  24. 200 downloads

    A detailed guide on how to add units.
  25. 189 downloads

    A detailed guide on how to add new weapons to old and new units.
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