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  1. hurragh
  2. Also, if you have trouble connecting or any other problems, see shygirl's guide (sticked at the top of the dune2k forums) or my website : http://www.dunefaq.tk if all else fails you can MSN me at all_the_hits@hotmail.com or email me at the same address.
  3. If you want to play dune 2000, the best time to come in is about 9 pm GMT. A group of us duners have organised games to be between 6-12 pm GMT so come in then, don't worry if you suck, we all do now and those who still have any skill left will be able to train newer players etc. So 9pm gmt see if you can make it. Thanks
  4. Equality is death. (ever heard of heat-death in physics?)
  5. i had the same problem, they kept stopping at 100%. just keep trying and it should work.
  6. I have nothing to do with this.
  7. When... probably a few days ago, why, who knows. Soon there will be a proper dune website (not like this one), and a mailing list for online players so we can try and stay together.
  8. download from dc, kazaa or other filesharing.
  9. No jokes... it's working again. me and griff played yesterday evening
  10. come in! :D any problems playing report here.
  11. http://www.anus.com/zine/philosophy/ Well, what do you think?
  12. The love of money is the root of all evil. Thus I reject faiths like capitalism and communism which place the importance of money over all else.
  13. 1) Insert windows xp cd. 2) Click Start > run 3) Type expand d:i386autoexec.nt c:windowssystem32autoexec.net (assuming your cd drive is drive d:, if not replace d: with whatever your drive is) If this doesn't work try typing : expand c:windowsrepairautoexec.nt c:windowssystem32autoexec.nt
  14. As of 20:00 GMT thursday. The password server appears to be down. I will reply to this topic when it comes back up.
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