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  1. Hi all ! So people who say all time Emperor is dead must be happy now since not possible to play online ! :-[ Westwood is dead :'( It's never good for small company when big company buy them...
  2. Thank you Terror ! You have understand what I try to do. ;) Long life to Emperor ! Hey it's friday so take that relax on the Dune... :P
  3. Hey ricksam ! Read carefully what happen here. In practically each day, friend of this administrator say they leave this game cause it's a dead game. You accused Westwood ! I'm sorry man but look game like Starcraft. It exist not cause Blizzard but cause fan (corean) love this game. This site is not a fan site. It's something to destroy all Dune game. If you don't have understand that again well sorry for you. Life is too many short to hear bad people who want kill a game. Laugh a lot you are free but I believe in Emperor 2 and I will try all what I can do for this game exist a day. But you can do like some sick person here. Write in each day to pretend how many you "like" this game but to encourage everybody to leave this game cause Westwood want that. It's not Westwood who play Emperor it's people like you and me. And if real fan of Emperor ask for Emperor 2 well it will exist a day. PS Don't lost your time to respond to this cause never I will came here now. I'm stupid a lot to have believe that this site is a Fan Dune site. It doesn't. This site exist just to kill Emperor and to say to everybody to stop like Dune. Here the administrator don't like words. He just like CONTROL them like Big Brother. I will be not surprised he have a "swastika" (Heil Hitler ! ) tatoo on his arm ... And he must hate everybody except people who think like him, people who want kill Emperor. If you like really Emperor leave this site cause is not a fan site of Dune. Just a silly site.
  4. Hey be happy I will never came here. Some people here are too many sick. We must be sick a lot to open a site to kill this site. Hey you know if Emperer Battle of Dune exist it's not cause sick person like Administrator here or other friend of him It's cause people like me who LOVE Emperor.
  5. Respects in your mouth have any sense Navaros. You are just a treacherous who hate Emperor a lot and try convince everybody to leave this game !
  6. You have right God ! Except for something. Well not really important of course! It's not a site to discuss about Emperor but more to discuss how fast this game will be dead ! And you Navaros you are just a hypocritical person. Why came here if you leave Emperor and prefer play WC3. I never think fight here cause I have think find just fan of this wonderful game Emperor. But I see they are sick people who open a site just to destroy this game ! Don't worrk I will not bore you more men ! You are really just bad person who do publicity to kill Emperor. We must be a lot sick to open a site to just want kill this site :P
  7. Thank you I feel better now ! Have a Emperor life ! ::)
  8. Hello Gobalopper ! Sorry to have "explode" ! Just I don't understand why what I write in "Words for my favorite planet" can "hurt" you and/or disturb you. If you find my words stupid it's your right of course, but what I have write don't hurt anybody. And I write this words just for fun. And maybe other who will read them will write other words better. People dies but words stay ! Before to flush me again think to what I say and try to be impartial. Have a Emperor day !
  9. Hello Duncan ! Don't blame critics. Just read what people write here. Some pretend like Emperor but just what they HOPE it's Emperor die. Probably like of person don't like see people happy to play a game and like it. It's strange that Corean have adopt StarCraft and play with this game again (you know the year of conception ? ). Anyway ! Have a Emperor day ! :-
  10. Hey Zamboe ! It was not a good idea to send "Words for my favorite planet" here. The Administrator prefer control them that read them. And when he use words it's just to say words like "ass", "fuck you", etc Have a Emperor day ! :-X
  11. Ty [HEL] Divine Wind . But never take my defense again. Cause you will make a lot of enemy. And if you don't want received insult all time like i received well its not good take my defense. And I don't need anyway. You know people who don't like words are people who never read a book (well maybe Playboy, Penthouse or something like that sure and sure not for the image but for the text :P) And don't ask them how many books Frank Herbert's have write about Dune. Cause they have any idea and even they don't know this man. :P Or wait they have a computer in their hands link to internet. So like that they can check on the net. But I think they will don't know cause just what they like it's insult people. People like them like fire in their foot. Have a Emperor day [HEL] Divine Wind ! ::)
  12. I suggest to all people who are lazy about Emperor, who hate this game, to stop people like me who believe this game is great and that Emperor 2 can exist if people ask. Have a Emperor day ! 8)
  13. And they are people who pretend to like Emperor ! I think just what they want it's destroy this game and they will continue to write bad things until everybody leave Emperor. You like insult people, well I suppose your mom don't have educated you. You don't like "Have a Emperor day ! " I'm not surprised since you hate this game and search just that everybody leave this game. Well maybe you work for Microsoft or Blizzard ! :P Have a Emperor day ! :)
  14. Hey Gobalopper ! Change your name for GOD ! Cause you know what is stupid and not ! You know what is the truth and not ! Well you know ALL ! I will be surprise you have read all book (you know how many exactly ? ) of Dune. More I will be surprise you just take a book in your hand and read it. You don't like words. You prefer control them ! Continue like that Big Brother ! I think you will want to be a political person later...
  15. If you have imagination read the following. Else watch TV. Try imagine you are about 1890 something like that. Close your eyes. They are any car, computer, TV, airplane, well any modern things. So try to imagine your have a neighborhood. And a day this neighborhood talk to you about something who think possible. Your neighborhood told you he is sure a day Human can fly in the sky. WOW ! So what you think about him. Don't forget you are in 1890. Sure you find him crazy a lot. And for you take something who have weight like a Human and who travel in the sky is impossible. You have the same attitude that people that today think that Emperor 2 is impossible. They prefer say it's a stupid thing or other bad things. But look and told me if Human fly today ! And how weigh is a Boeing 747 for example. And this machine fly or not ? And you think build Emperor 2 is impossible ? My God be serious ! ALL IS POSSIBLE. The only think not possible is when people don't believe. When people miss will. Or when people lie and pretend it's impossible cause they stop to like somethings or they are lazy about them or believe in nothing except money ! Have a Emperor day all fan of Dune !!! :-*
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