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Everything posted by DarkElf49

  1. bah, you people are mis-guided as to what a true strategy is. WC3 is a simple hack and slash/micro managment game. If you want true realtime strategy at it's finest get kohan. It's entirely different and much more strategic. www.kohan.net
  2. I finally got it, and it's a great game. It's a bit unbalanced with the indians, but it's realistic. This is because the natives don't get cannons which are super long ranged it seems (shoots 1/3 the way across the map). The cannons happen to have grape shot also, which is fun to use, very effective ay close combat. But the major issue with the indians is that compared to the europeans they die so easly because of low armor. But the balanceing thing is suposed to be that they can creat greater masses quicker, but it doesn't help much...maybe I just suck.
  3. Looks to me like it's stand alone, and not an add-on...
  4. Look here! http://gamehippo.com/category/new_title_1.shtml#1837 Sady there's only multi-payer.
  5. Does anyone have this game? What did you think of it? I'm currently thinking about getting it later this week. Or would you suggest any other mass unit RTSs or one that's highly strategic like this one http://www.timegate.com . (IE: one's where you can have over 2,000 units on the screen, none of this BS like WC3) Thanks
  6. Icewind dale...because it won't let me past a part without crashing... And I had such high characters... :( I also had jsut gotten the ability to soummon fire elementals with my druid...:/
  7. Try 'Cossacks'...sure it doesn't have the best graphix around, but what really matters in an RTS is game play. In 'Cossacks' you can have over 1,000 units on the screen at once and it still runs fine. But if you don't like the time peroid between 1500-1800 then don't get it, but it is a truly great game. It's one of the few RTS games that actually have more strategy than mass and kill. Another reccomended game would be Kohan, but the online community is small. This game too is a real thinking RTS. Both of the games are quiet well supported by their producers too.
  8. hmmm...I've only been able to get 1 dragon in M&M8 and that's from the dragon caves...where's the other? ???
  9. Right now I'm playing M&M8 and I've gotten quiet far, infact I simply go through with out trun based mode on most of the average monsters and keep pressing 'A', and pretty soon the room is cleared. I have 2 clerics of the sun in my party, a great wyrm and a lich. I've got some pretty decentweapons, but that's only because I've played it part way through once ad knew some secrets. The only reason I have the lich is because I ran through a place past monsters I won't be able to beat for awhile...fun game though. I've not played M&M7 in awhile, and have been meaning to play it again.
  10. Ok, I'm on the mission with where you have to hold the mountain for 30 min with the night elves, and you have a human and an orc allie. Any sugestions on how to beat it??????
  11. WOL: DarkElf49 ESO: DarkElf790 WC3 East: DarkElf790 WC3 West: DarkElf790 AIM: DarkElf790
  12. I think we need this stickied so we don't have so many of them... ;)
  13. Especially for War Craft3, if you couls please post your SN and the time you might be on, and maybe we could play a game of it. Mine is DarkElf790, And i'm usually on in the afternoon of the weekends If you hate WC3, save us the trouble and not post here.
  14. Who has it? I have it. Anyone else? Comments? I'm sorta disappointed it's not an expansion pack, but hey, it's still fun.
  15. In the books Legolas was one of the last few who set sail to the Undying Lands, he also set out with his best freind Gimli, this was about 75 yearsafter the war of the ring I think. Also I think since he was a dark elf he was one of the last few, but I'm not sure on that...
  16. I know this is like the seconed post, but... If it's in any, and I mean ANY polotician's interest they'll more than likely do it. Bush is just attacking things that've been a problem for awhile, things that the Billy goat would've let sit and brin us to uin all the more fast. Lets face it the US is in decline, but we're finally getting turned around. Exaple: the econemy wasn't bushes fault, it was the product of what the preceeding poloticans did(with a mix of other things). So before you go slamming Bush, think of all the others before him, and how they've screwed, that is unless you're too narrow minded to see those things. thank you.
  17. Thanks, I downlaoded Xine a few days ago and couldn't find the source compiler, I'll reboot (I've 2 Hard drives, 1 10GB for windows, and 1 6GB foe Linux) to linux in a little while to seek it out. The Nvidia driers should work better, think I ws downloading the wrong ones... And thank you for the logtech scroll wheel drivers, it feels good to be able to not have to go a few more inches ;) or press the down arrow. You've been much more help than some other people onoher message boards, and one again thank you. :)
  18. Ok, I'm running Red Hat 7.2 (I know I need to upgrade to 8.0). There's two things I need, first off I need a set of video drivers that actually use the memory on it, the generic drivers that got loaded didn't work, and since then I've not been able to find a deriver with the desired results (I want to be able to play tux racer). Seconed of all, Linux has reconized my CD drive as a DvD drive (which it is) and I was wondering if anyone could direct me to a free DvD player, Thanks in advanved. (And being able to use the scroll weel of my mouse would be nice...) Sys specs: 466 Celron 128 PC 133 GF 2; 32 meg PCI Nvidia MX200 DvD-CD-ROM 16x48 Realtec 10/100 Network card Crystal Fusion Onboard sound card
  19. I probably shouldn't post this because if my girlfreind found out she'd kill me...but anyway: Someone has actually made the equation that we've known true for so long, some one in this forum explained it about 3 months ago, but here it is in writeing FYI it's not even a picture, it's words. http://www.sick-humor.com/files/picture/29729245.jpg
  20. 148) (As a reply to Sard v1.3) The stock market fails and is taken over by the Barron himself, Bill Gates, the next day you die trying to kill Bill gates, but unfourtunitly he has too many windows in his office and simply opens one letting the poisin gas go free, and a year later your freind, who now smuggles drugs illgaly, starts blaming himself for the fall of the Atraties, I mean the stockmarket. 149) you take the time to think of 148
  21. DarkElf49

    The Fane

    Raceing through out the ever so firmilar liveing hallways with the man he barly knew, Kent wondered how he would keep this from his masters, the where everywhere after all. The man was weakning rapidly, he had to do something. He stopped, and picked the man up and put him on his back, and continued. (OOC: Up to yu now TMA_1, Seliath)
  22. DarkElf49

    The Fane

    *EDIT: I MISSED THE PART ABOUT THE IRON AGE, SORRY* Setting: Kendra Wiley's room, the Wiley's house, she's currently talking to a a member of the the rebellion. "...yes sir, I'll get you those records right away, you'll have their weaknesses in moments." She walks over to her to a stack of papers, and the door creepted open as she turns it on, thinking nothing of it she continues the process. Out of the shadows a Selaith assian appears. "How'd you get i...i...in here..." "I knocked." said the Selaith slowly, and a split seconed later there was nothing more left of her, but her shins, her head with the eye lids still slowly moveing as if they where wondering what just happened, and fragments of her torso. In one swift motion the Selaith splits the intellagence officer in half, and burns the parchments.
  23. #1, Nav, you all know :P #2, TMA_1, just kidding ;)
  24. DarkElf49

    The Fane

    *Stepping into the open space of the seconed floor, Wiley kneels and bows his head in respect* Oh, merciful Masters, I have come for more than to serve mere food. My beutiful wife of 14 years has come down with a mysterious ailment, she can't move her legs anymore, and is slowly going mad. She beggs for some sort of forgiveness that seems to never come, and gives most of our money to the human temples. She has turned from You and speaks blasphemy. What shall I do? I also have several reports on the terrorist activities if You are interested. But of course you don't need them, for You are every where, if You want I can let You see what we may have found and have written so that You may review what You know. *Stays on floor wiating for dismissal*
  25. DarkElf49

    The Fane

    Ok, I'll start with something basic, not too much info here, try to play in character everyone, plz ;) ------------------------------------------------------------ Entering the gigantic Seliath tree trunk, Wiley suddenly noticed that the passive sentinal had gone through their random mutation. Where's the voice recon root, did that get mutated out entirely. I must find it, I don't want to end up like Johnson He stepped slowly towards the stair case. Quickly out of seemingly nowhere a cage of roots came up around him, and a gruff voice spoke. Speak your name and bussiness quickly human, or prepare to be annilated. I'm Kent J. Wiley, loyal servent of the Seliath for 16 years, I'm here to prepare the meal for the General. Enter
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