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Everything posted by TonyD
Perhaps the mistake was that there was no design at all. :)
Is the completion effort over as fast as it began? :'(
Yeah, sorry bout that, I haven't fixed the windows files yet. It will compile perfectly in linux, but you should be able to create a new project and add all the files for windows.
ok ill do that sometime soon then. Id like to put the last release in releases as well too.
yep, try the WWW link on the left
I finally managed to get it uploaded onto there! It now will compile and run in linux, I just have to slightly adjust the windows files again so it will compile in windows too. Sorry about it taking such a long time. I can imagine some people may have doubted my intentions since I took so long. My homepage is now set to the sourceforge location.
ok, did this but it still won't work, just sits there and says nothing but the command when i try to upload, init or anything like this. Ill just have to use cvs from linux, that should work fine. Sorry about this delay, I'm just to slack, but WILL do it next time i boot linux.
I can't get cvs to upload to the sourceforge page. I can log in anonymously, but when I try to initialise the area or upload anything it just says something like failed to connect to server. Does anyone here have good cvs knowlege? I don't have much time to work it out.
I've got my soureforge page now, and im setting it up. Ill have a proper web page there too. https://sourceforge.net/projects/dunelegacy/ I've realised why I want to release the source. Firstly I have gained all experiance in c/c++ coding that I can from the project. I started it along time ago when I only just started learning how to program so some of it has not been structured how I would like it, and its time to get a job! The project was taking to much of my time, and im a bit sick of it, I have more important things to do. :P
My path searching actual dosen't use any randomnous anymore. Theres a few other reasons I can think of for inconsistancy: At the moment when you order multiple units to do some action, each unit will send a corresponding packet with this command in it seperately. If its the server, all the units will calculate their paths in the next tic, however if not, the packets may not arrive and be performed in one tic. Therefor units will calculate their paths at different times on other machines, which may cause different path calculations due to different positions of other units and such. When the commands arrive on a client machine, due to the unpredictable nature of networking they will will very likely not be performed at the same time/tic as how they were performed on the server machine. A harvester may be assigned to a particular cell already on the server, but not yet on client which could cause different results. This could be resolved by making sure the server controls assignment to cells, but this is even more inefficient then sending the entire path. So to fix some of this you could make sure that unit commands are performed only in bulk not individually, but after all this I think its still more effiecient just to send entire paths.
yep sure do, same email address is my thingo.
Your right Olaf, Im getting tired of all the issues :(, I think its time to release the source! Besides I'm sick of the game right now, other people can take over or perhaps some of the code could go towards the freecraft dune2 project or something. Theres many more people involved in that anyway. So, I'll make my final decision, and probably release it on a sourceforge page within the next few days. I'll be able to start on something new! :D
I think the easiest way to keep it syncronised is just to send the path when it is recalculated, so I'll probably just do this. I'll have to improve the efficiency of the networking first though because there will be a hell of a lot more net traffic. I'll fix those bugs mentioned. ;) Thanx guys for playing it!.
Another version is uploading now with full networking done. Things will jump around a bit on client machines because there isn't perfect syncronisation going on. I'd like to get an idea of how the newer games keep things nicely syncronised. Anyway few other things fixed like map with less then six players required will now work... no-one noticed :'(. And a number of other things and bug fixes too. Oh, the game will no longer bomb out to the desktop when it crashes, but will rather go back to the main menu of the game and write a small error report in the stderr.txt file. If anyone experiances a crash, it would be excellent to see what that file says.
I use SDL's SDL_net library, its pretty good, I'm sure it will be quite similar to your libnet one. You say you have to do some extra calculations for smooth scrolling? I too started with 16 pixel movement, but all I did to achieve smooth scrolling is offset the map drawing by between 0 and 15. There wasn't any need for anything more complicated then that. Good luck finding your bug :). I too have noticed a mystery bug occuring in my game unfortunately.
Yep, im still here. I got double buffering working nicely now, so the map scrolls nice and smoothly much like dune2k does. I think I'll finish networking completely before the next release which is not too much work.
I've posted a bug-fixed version now. MuLLeT MaN: Are you sure the death hand will crash the game? I tried launching many missles off the map, and could not get it to crash. Perhaps one the other bugs occured at the same time? TheGouldFish: The starport and factories don't support the exiting unit type images yet, I would have to do a few changes, but its definately possible for me to do. No promises yet.
ead: try downloading it again, I posted the same version with crashing bugs fixed multiple times because i didn't thoroughly test it. I'll make it so the middle mouse button, places structures for next version maybe. I thought it was possible to repair carryalls already? Maybe its broken again, ill check sometime. The save game problem is fixed for latest upload, so if you do get crashes with latest version, easiest and best way fior me to catch bugs is to get a copy of the savegame.
okay I have posted a new version, with a few minor but important changes: added power and spice level indicators to game bar. fixed shrinking shroud after loading game. fixed structures not being drawn sometimes when next to shroud. fixed harvesters not returning to specified spice field. fixed carryall and frigate pauses after dropping/picking up units. added multiple save game spots with description - old save games will NOT be compatable. added very basic double buffering option which might fix only serious screen flickering. changed sonic tanks so they don't hurt other sonic tanks (or themselves! :). made launcher more inaccurate, slowed turnspeed - Ill try to make them behave more like in dune2 later. fixed mcv-deployed construction yard half-damaged in concrete-required mode. made worms slower, dissapear after 3 kills or death, and come back after random time, in a random location. added dune2 icon to executable! This is my favourite one :) ----------------------------- Thanks all you guys for comments and suggestions! ;) ead: I made the launcher much more inaccurate now, so let me know what you think now. The turreted tanks (siege and com) sometimes have a good advantage over most other units if used wisely in that they will attack any ememies whilst moving. You can retreat whilst still defending, and other sorts of similar tactics. Although Ill look into it and may increase their hitpoints or armour. You can set gather points for buildings already (except for the starport - will fix), just right click somewhere when selected, and right click on actual building to cancel. Try tab to toggle the gamebar. TheGouldFish: I haven't got around to adjusting the gamebar for the different resolutions as yet, because I havent decided on a final design. But.. if anyone wants to wip up some versions of the bar for the other resolutions, please do, and ill get it setup for them with useable buttons. Just don't change the bars width because i'd like to keep the full radar on the screen. Im not sure what ill do with the 320 resolution because the button images will not fit im sure... hmm. Vidiware: What do you mean? "move ordered crusor... i think its not very nice" I think you mean like a flash, or green cross which will tell you whether they're attacking a particular unit, or something? This occurs in d2k, and i like it so ill hopefully get that done.
its probly a good idea to do a fresh install with each version. I'm not sure why this stuff happens, perhaps I should look into it.
hmmmm, perhaps..... :-, I do have some ideas to make the path searching in it much more efficient which would also make it work in the 3d levels.
I would love to get all this done for the ai, but it would be a lot of work! I'm sure I will get the ai expansion going, hopefully better defensive ai but TCP/IP support is already there. Its probably a port issue if you cant get networking going. No promises on the other ai features though but the source will be released on sourceforge, so anything is possible. Whats the general concensensus on harkonnen/ordos/atreides allowed units and such. Do you guys think I should add the restrictions, such as no orni for harkonnen, no troopers for atreides.
The palaces currently have to wait to recharge when placed much like the newer games. I think that it is better this way, but what does everyone else think? The spice/power indicaters are now done for next release. Yep I'd like to get this done too, but not high priority yet. No problem :).
hmm, try using the '-' key, you can adjust game speed but I may have forgotten to mention this is the readme. Super super fast computers which could render the scene in under a millsecond will not be speed locked, but I'm quite sure your computer isn't that fast. And I doubt computers will be that fast for a while yet. Although if its still too fast, press f11, and tell me what is said there. Thanks :).