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Everything posted by benfurness

  1. In a way I agree with shaddam, but as for the Lynch movie being crap, I'm not so sure. My reason is that the mini-series was just as bad in some ways:- The movie was very well cast, but the mini was'nt The general look of the movie made the duniverse more believable The mini had much more of the book in it, but the movie focused more on important areas, a good example is the Harkonnen invasion, good in the movie but only about 30 seconds in the series. The special effects in the series way out did the movies, although I preffer the origional worm style. The biggest reason I like the mini more is the fact that AT LEAST THEY TRIED!!!!! I just hope they try just as hard with the next books, if at all
  2. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. The biggest problem will be the control, but with mouse support it should be o.k. As for the ps2 sucking, I don't think so as I have one and the games I have kick the ass of anything seen SO FAR. With the x-box about a year away then it had better be good because they have a lot of catching up to do. By the way the last lot of tech demos released were not warmly recieved by the gaming press, this is not a good sign. Don't forget the gamecube!!!
  3. Why not take your own advice instead of bitching about everybody else. If you have something interesting to say then lets have it.
  4. I have to agree with both sides to the argument of e-bfd, for the simple reason that for a long time the rts arena has become stagnant over the past few years with not much inovation to make any one game stand out since the c+c games. Some companies have gone in with the 3-d approach which in most cases crapped all over the game play, others have stuck with 2-d as in ra2 and have had people whine that it's not enough. Sadly no matter what anyone does it will never be enough because everyone has their own prefferences, which is a good thing without it their would be not mod files ie, aftermath ect. At the same time I don't think e-bfd will fail because they really are trying a new direction with the sub-houses and the way they will be used in the game, although how far it will go we won't find out untill we acually play the game. Graphics wise I don't have a problem with the way it looks but at what cost to machine spec?? That is some thing that I always give credit to console programmers over pc ones because console programmers don't have the luxury of extra memory or faster prossesors they have to use what the have got and thats it. On the pc side with so many companies it seems like they just put as much stuff in the game so that most of the time the game requires a monster pc when in reallity it could of been done on a lower spec machine if anyone had benn bothered to find out how. Anyhow I'm buying e-bfd when it's released and if it sucks then it sucks but I'm still giving it a chance and not pronouncing it doa. With the multiplay area of dune I think a combination of 36 maps, 3 main houses, X amount of sub-houses and a level/game editor everything could live up to what most people want as long as the gameplay is solid.
  5. The Fremen are are at the top of the map and at the bottom. The one at the top is surrounded by an Atreides base. You did wipe out all the Atreides including harvesters and turrets didnt you? If you did just wait around the seitch with a tank after you've destroyed it and see if any invisible fremen appear, maybe you did'nt see them. You should get a message at the top of the screen when the opposition is totally destroyed.
  6. sounds good, when I get dune to work in multiplayer over the net
  7. If, when you play as Atreides you can use carryalls only to carry your own troops so you have to get the fremen to a fight on the back of a worm. I know some one said about having one worm rider to crush tanks and men ect. So why not have two versions one for transporting fremen and one for kicking ass? Also why not be able to upgrade the palace and produce fremen that are stronger against vehicals like you barracks?
  8. Yep, I have the same problem and when you try to login via the dune menu in the internet bar it still says you have to log on to the net. I sent an e-mail to westwood and am still waiting for a reply. will let you know as soon as I do
  9. Sorry did'nt notice this posting before I asked the same thing. Dreamcast maybe but multiplayer via the net no way, it's too crap and slow for such a thing Ps2 it can be done, programming problems?, not any more besides they all said the same thing about the psx and look what happened. As for PS2 net multiplayer no-one knows about the capabilites of the modem so can't say much untill sony say more. The control interface was workable on the Dune2000 psx version but will definatley need work for any future games. By the way anyone found out about x-box versions, after all the console isn't out yet which gives developers more time to get used to the console without (hopefully) releasing shitty games.
  10. Does anyone think that Emperor:Battle for Dune could be done for the ps2. From what I've played on mine and whats comming in the future ( metal gear2), I think it could be possible. After all they managed a playable version of Dune2000 on the psx, albeit with lo-res graphics and no alternate difficulty settings.
  11. Any one else think face dancers could be made to look like the opposing house and sent in almost undetected by the other player/cpu. To counter this you could have a truthsayer within a certain distance which would show you them as who they really are.
  12. Did'nt look at the page yet but it would'nt have anything to do with the amount of commercials would it???
  13. 61- You stopped calling her mom, It's now Reverend Mother 62- You want your girlfriend to cange her name to Chani. 63- You throw sand in the air when you see annyone you don't know
  14. The only thing I can think of is that your connection is too slow, ask westwood and see what they say. Also ask your cable company and see if they tested their internet server on games, it may seem stupid but they may have done some thing to affect this.
  15. Sorry forgot to mention, contact Westwood and see what they say.
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