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Everything posted by Vortexzero
well yes misson 4 have some errors on it
i suggest you trying download gruntmods edition. it have hig-res patch already installed, you can also download the cutscene movie installer if you wanted too. and also this version supports C&Cnet 5 soo you dont need hamachi anymore to play online. heres the link of gruntmods edition of dune 2000 https://www.google.com.my/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB0QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgruntmods.com%2F%3Fpage_id%3D19&ei=kIpLVc2fLcLXmAWM44GIDA&usg=AFQjCNHIVjqFBzDz1wdiZo4DrwUtFPbiNQ&sig2=O93lOv8GugugK5qv7n-jeg
thanks ^^
oh i forgot to mention that in harkonen misson 3 to when i manage to destroyed any fremen structure and their cave and anything including their units and infantry it didnt end for some reason even with the usage of stolen atreides airstrike nothing happen it have no end
in war of assasin harkonen misson 4 theres some problem with it when i play the game not before that it suddenly crash and it said Dilivery cannot be Dilivered or something like that, i dunno what happen there
in war of assasin harkonen misson 4 theres some problem with it when i play the game not before that it suddenly crash and it said Dilivery cannot be Dilivered or something like that, i dunno what happen there
i never play emperor battle for dune before but i do wanted to try it
if tiberian sun have ordering options during the time when tiberian sun was new it would be awsome
oh nevermind i got it work but one thing i cant is restore down the smaller screen launcher again i have small screen laptop screen
why i cant minimize the launcher? i have a small screen on my laptop however
try but still the same
shai-gel98: yes i downloaded a grunt mod edition which is i dunno how to fix it fedaykin: resulotion? and tge default one? how to do that?
wait you need grapic card to play dune 2000? im using windows 7 32 bit professsional it says this video card does not support the required modes how to fix this?
soo this patch update your dune v 1.06?
no wonder it crashes mine is 1.02v how to solve this problem? i mean where to download dune 2000 v1.06?
it still doesnt solve it some misson were crashing even i patch it with subhouses fix misson 2,4 and 6 still crashing misson 6 crashes when i build a startport and reinforcement come and it crash the mercenary misson 2,4 and 6 still crashing
already patch it with sub house fix but it still crashing i dunno why
theres some crashes when i play some ixian campaign some campaign are okay but some crashes like ixian mission 2
ah thank you it works
hey i try to download the ixian campaign but for some reason it says invalid whenever i try to open the files
the ixian zipped folder cannot open! it says invalid! need help!
i cant make fremen campaign work! what the heck i follow the instruction but it fails
i cant open this file it says invalid can you help me with this problems?
hey i cant open Ixian campaing folder is it corrupted? i need help