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  1. purmalice is shookaazoo too, from *S*W* clan... he said it to me. I'd never seen someone so unfair and so agressive on arrakis... (before the game and during the game) He sent me so many "sweet words" during the game that it begun to lag... he was ONLY playing hobbtz sets : 30k + guilde but with atre on sandy pass. well who dreamed about a clean ladder ? lol at least 2 of top 5 clans are "them"... does someone knows about NERDS ? lol Anyway, i've not said it yet, but now i say it : i'll NEVER play any ww games in the future ! NEVER ! they acts with their custumers as with shits... sorry for the word, I don't know how to say it better... but it's that ! i hope everybody will go on warcraft3 instead of generals.. It's going to be moved but it's said ! ;-)
  2. Well there's something i can't understand in your talk Acriku... How can someone with a democratic signature like yours don't beleive more in humain personnal judgment abilities ??? Anyway, we are not talking here of a dead penalty or any official sanction for all the unhappy guys who are going to be named here... If they have something to say to defend themselves or if someone knows they are right, defensive posts will be here too... and people will be able to make their own thinking... just to know who to refuse BC with because of quitting... I'm sure if battle clan players know they can be named somewhere where other players can see they don't stay untill the end, they will think about it before disconnecting anymore ! and if it's an unvoluntary disconnection, they just have to say they are sorry and want a rematch... if this happens too many times with same clans... they will not find a lot of "rematchers" anymore ... and then GOOOAAALLLL hehe :D
  3. We had a battle clan match with that new clan : Dark*7... here is the stats of that game http://games2.westwood.com/emperorgamelogs/80925773.html They disconnected while loosing... and one of the guys : darkhark played exactly like bilbo on same sets... ::) bussaws + guilde and a silly defense in his base with 30K at start... They said some people we were lying... but a simple look at the stats is clear... one (darkatr) had no base or units left and darkhark had about 5 devastators + lots of bussaws and sards (mine) in his base already half gone... He said he had to go to work... i assure you we didn't need more than 45 seconds to finish him and all his windtraps ;)... a shame for us they were 1rst in the ladder :'(
  4. I understand you fenris ! Don't take care to these bad loosers ! I've been called cheater so many times by bad loosers too... And it always makes me laught so laud hehe ! Cause I know i'm not a cheater (can't understand the interest) and to hear that some people think It's not possible to be so strong makes me feel happy in a way. lol And more again when I think there is stronger too !
  5. You are may be truth Acriku, it's may be an idealistic discussion, but i think there's no reason either to move a post about cheating... This forum becomes like the official's Emperor forum... So if you can't report a cheater here ... where can you do that ? Why not just create a cheat section in the forum so that everybody will be happy ? Those who are bored of cheat don't read, the others do ! I think moving the problem to Gobs dongeon will never bring any solution ! (sorry for that ... but truth ! ) and looks like an "Official Hand" on this forum... it's a shame... cause I really like it ! :P When Lukonnen and Krazyorse talk about "cheaters" they talk about people who use the Battle Clan bug... They don't talk about a guy who create 100 units by cheat or something unproovable... just about disconnections... and this is the main problem in Emperor... and it is solvable by ourselves ! We love Dune, Dune still have some 'minor' bugs but is still one of the best games I've ever played ! and we can manage with them ! Now about who's the lier and who's not ... in this case it's VERY easy to find out ! it could be a look at the stats... And better again, if everybody can report a quitter and start a discussion about that guys there will be a change ! cause some clans knows each other and knows they are honest! with these links you can be nearly sure who's the lier and who's not ! (not in an official way but everybody will be able to make his own thinking about him)! And if it makes that people play more against known clans and relations of these known clans, may be the clans who change name everymounth (to do you know what) will not do it so easily ! wow is it still english ? lol As a democratic people I think discussion can solve a big part of the problems in life... but putting his head in sand like a shaid hulud will never do anyhing... may be just attract more worms on Dune ... hehe ;) Respects to all ! ps : it's not easy for us to post in english so plz don't stop on the form of the post... written just after the facts... when the victim is again "hot"... wich makes difficult again the writting of it ... thx for comprehension !
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