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  1. AA troopers are an ok base defence, but you need the apc's to defend your harvestors and counter attack theirs. Plus they are fast and more mobile. So they can go anywhere and provide effective AA defense for your units or base that is having problems.
  2. Hmm, wasn't this about Fremen, not the walls? Oh well. Walls are useless. I'd rather be thinking about other things than where to build a wall. Fremen are the best for raiding harvestors, imo. A good mix of em will take out any inf with the warriors, and the tanks with the feyds. Then just let the feyds work on the harvestors. May not be the best against Hark now that I think of it though. But it may work. I've tortured many Atreides with it. Once you have their harvestors. The game is yours. If you can get Feyds into the base, they do wonders their as well. I've always prefered NIABS for that part though. Much less time to teleport units in rather than sneaking them in. One problem I've noticed with Fremen. They don't seem to guard that well. I've yet to see them attack until something comes right up to them. So Fremen thus require a lot of micro-management. Too much, imo.
  3. I try and turtle up some with enemy until a stale-mate of some sort has turned up (i.e. I can defend myself and my spice easily, but he still keeps my forces weak) Once I have the economy, build about 15 NIAB tanks. Split them in two groups. Teleport them both close to the base, but still safe, so when you teleport in, they don't hover as long. Then hit them from two sides. Either at the same time, or let one go first and attract all the units while the second dives in behind. 7 or so can take out almost any building if you focus them. You may lose a few, or all if you are going for it all at once, like I'm fond of. I just hit the con yard, constructrion yard, and starport. And get out with what NIABS are left. The best def against them seems to be lots of heavy inf scattered all over your base. Turrets aren't that great. A turret will take out one while the other 6 take it out and the building next to it. Inf are cheep, and if you have enough you'll do fine. Feyds and Sard are very nice if you have those subhouses, but your normal inf, will usually get most of em. I like Feyds as anyone using NIABS won't see em until all their tanks are dead. :) Don't use makers much, as they are also expensive and slow. However some of these ideas seem nice. I'll have to try em.
  4. As for AA Ordos... Many don't even seem to think of the APC as AA, but they are the best Ordos AA there is. Sure, it's expensive, but they are fast and can get to where any gunships are and take em out no problem. 2 apc's should be able to go in, take one out, and maybe even make it back depending on where they are and what map it is. To start out it your poor, though. Use the AA inf for defense, about 4 in a group. But I like to use the apc's for protecting my harvesters and attacking their carryalls. The only problem I see with the apc's is sardaukar elite units cost much less and it's just not a very fair trade. So mix in a few dusty's and you'll do fine.
  5. Buzzsaw's are no match for las-tanks. And mongeese are pretty good against las-tanks, but the las-tanks are fast enought that I'd still give them the advantage. I just played against the Harks today, and the missile tank was pretty good. But a 1st rank veteran can survive the first attack and kill it if it has at least one partner. Or you can pick up a cloak crate, take the first hit, heal, and take him out before he sees you again. :)
  6. Well, it's not the best all-around vehicle. But the las-tank wins over anything but infantry. They are the best counter against minos. I fought a nice qm once versus a man who loved his minos. My las tanks were hurt, as I was stupid enough to group em, but one survived. He became a full veteran, and later I found a cloak crate. That one tank took on a group of 8 mino's solo. The best game I ever had. I ran circles around the guy. If you are willing to do the micro-management, las-tanks will always win.
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