I think bene gesserit is nothing more than a bunch of sorceresse without any weapons...and due to that they need to corrupt and kill to get to thier objective...well kinda tleilaxu lol but I think that maybe with that "voice" unit they could do something good...like mind controle or like a unit become uncontrolable and destroy his master...lol could be fun...
wow very good idea the Ix elec. it would be fun to do that hehe but probably ppl would make rush with em you know like 40 of em and the entire enemy units are confuse lol but its a great idea... I propose a Sardaukar vehicule that could have a shild and that would have the same laser as the sardaukar commander but it would be stronger and it has the possibility to sneak... what ya think?
Totaly right...Man tleilaxu were sooooo great in dune books they had all kinda strategy to infiltrate to kill to...just to kick arses! but now in emperor wow they made em sucks lol :-/
Ok guys i think that best strategy for atreides are to make lotsa minos and kindjal for def and select fremen and sardaukar as ally then build 10 apc and put feydakin and sard commander in then build transport and drop em into enemy base...it works well for me... :-/ so thats it hope you like and if you dont well...dont use it haha
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