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Everything posted by shihaliud

  1. I like Gunsang better but I played Copec because his mission was easier and at the end I'll still be comanding the forces.
  2. In the west wood website:go to taurnaments:go to emperor:go to clan administation.
  3. Harkonnana that mail was the sandworms join password!!
  4. I'm the only member curently.
  5. Ok now witch house do you think goes best with your fav sub house. (If you still want to post your fav sub house please feel free to do so)
  6. ;DThankyou all. I will not bow down to you playrap, You should bow down to me!! The great shihaliud!! God of the Harkonnen!!!!!
  7. My clan (the sandworms ;D) are just starting out.
  8. What's your favorite sub house? Ix, The Guild, Fremen, Sardukar, Tleilaxu, Personally I like the Sardukar. Which one do you like?
  9. :'( :'( :'( One minuites silence for this... :'( :'( :'(
  10. I'm knew if anyone wants to be my friend please reply. :'(
  11. My clan is called the sandworms. If you want to join,(and I hope you will ;)), than give me your e-mail address and I'll give you my join password. If you don't want to give me your e-mail address than jest say. ;D
  12. Thanks mst9999 I'll watch out for them. ;) ;) ;)
  13. Navaros, the reason why you've never herd of me is because I'm new!!
  14. Harkonnen:Missile tanks. ;D Atreides:Mongose. ;D Ordos:Laser Tanks. ;D
  15. Name:Borg House:(New sub house)Borg Cost:1000 Requiers:Borg Cube Discription:A half mechcanical half organic being witch can adapt to enemy attacks. Wepon:Extreamly powerful gun Armor:Like a devastators Speed:Like a Dust Scouts
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