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Everything posted by mst9999

  1. Looking for new CLAN members, to setup our own tournament for fun, please apply at website and join www.nxnt.com/sopranos in forum. Thanks All are welcome!
  2. WOW, this is the first time that I saw so many ppl complain about one person. I guess theirs no proof in order for this guy. lol GL all on your BC games
  3. Yes, I'm 100% sure. I tested it out myself with a friend. The OOS only happens when I toggle the unlimited to on/off which cause to much overload on the sync. Now if I have it turn on before the game starts, the OOS will not appear, only odd times, which we are currrently seeing, but theirs ways around that...I will not explain how, to prevent any further tampering!! I am a person that wants to keep this game alive.
  4. Attention all Emperor players, that are not cheaters, please be advised that this program is available for download, and does work for BC, QM matches. I will not post the address, but as of today it has 1748 downloads, and rising. The program provides unlimited money, and full power at all times. I think a neat feature to add to Emperor is that we should be able to see everyones money count. But then again, they will probably find a cheat for that also. It seems like a lost cause. Anyways just wanted to inform you all. gl
  5. Hey, Hoos1erBud, sorry about my mistake .. I just tested Emperor on my two computers .. and It works fine. I got the same error you've reseived (Join Refused) and that was correct from Nyarlathotep, update your version will correct your problem.
  6. Yes, that is a first.. OOS = Wash Game, what a disappointment. Every week theirs something new in regards to WWO. And I hope the more we complain of all its problems the quicker WW, will do something about it. Keep playing hard, is all I can say.
  7. Because you are using the same game on each computer .. WW checks for serials, if they match .. it doesn't start .. to inforce copy wright. I had the same problem at buddies house .. So I brought my own original copy of Emperor and installed it their and it worked.
  8. Attention all, K1lla007 has honorred his clan -SUC- by providing the SOP clan the proper points for all wash games they've done .. As the clan leader of SOP I thank you (K1lla007) for the honorable thing. Thanks
  9. Today is the day, K1lla007 has honored his clan by doing the right thing..Thanks K1lla007, for the quick matchs, as the clan leader of SOP, we agree that -SUC- clan has become honorable and desent players. Thanks agin...
  10. Rushing seems like a useless tactic to me .. If a player feels satisfied on a quick, and easy match ever time(For their POINTS). Then Fine. But this game has more to it then just rushing. Unfortunately I dont see players that rush, as a good player, just a waste of my time. Hey I know several players that do rushing over and over again, and thats the only way they now how to play. But you take them head to head in a game that last more then 5 minutes. Look out they lose. It’s really funny, watching a player trash talk you about how good he is, then, he sucks after 5min of game time. Now if you use unties as a distracting means of strategy, Not killing them off in the first 3 minutes, your enemy will be flustered, and build useless thing to prepare for the worst. Which gives you a strong advantage on winning the game, but not a guaranty of victory. Going into a game knowing for sure your going to win, defeats the purpose of even playing. You might as well just play the computer, and get your jollies that way. Lets keep this game a little challenging because if people haven’t realized yet, this game is dying already, based on rushing rushing.. rushing.. rushing.
  11. He must had a scote getting crates .. Which would explain the devestator... My only guess.
  12. Well I'll await your offer, for awarding us our points .. which I have been waiting since we've played .. I'm not looking to make enemies here. I just wanted things to be fair. I will post again to notify of fair playing when points have been squared away. Until then thanks for your appoligy, but goofy2me, is in my bad book for unfair playing.
  13. Thanks for the heads up .. Yes I've see that happen .. just today .. OOS happed midway, and near the end of that game .. Now this is really taking the challenging fun out of this game .. So far it only happens during deathmatchs for me .. But I could just imagine the players that get it during bc or qm .. their ranks gets screwed to hell just like ijw. Hopefully Westwood will fix that before it gets too out of hand. To the point that people will loose interest in playing the game at all .. And for me .. I really dont want that to happen..But I'm starting to get those same feelings, and losing the joy of challenging.. Anyways dont lose hope .. a fix will come, it will come... lol
  14. I'm a little confused about the issue of out-of-sync problem .. Does it only mean cheating or could their be other possibilities.. Yesterday, I received 3 out-of-syn errors during deathmatchs (2on2).. And alot of people or saying the same thing, that someone is using a cheat programe. And as the days go by, more and more, out-of-sync problems are becoming more comon. Its coming to a point that I'm losing all faith in competing at all in bc, or qm games. If somebody nows more about this issue please respond..or direct me to the right area, for more details. thx
  15. -SUC- is the clan name that people should watchout for.Members are k1lla007 and goofy2me.We played then 2on2 .. And guess what disconnect...WASH GAME...We ask for them to award us our points but refused unless rematch. We play again and killed off everything except a few inf, and harvesters ..and WASH GAME another time...I check their games stats and yes they have a track record of washed games... PEOPLE BEWARE................
  16. Bendeho, has made a complete false statement, where I new that the game was in his favor, for the win. At the end, my game booted out to windows, and to my surprise I received the points. I had full intention of providing the win for Bendeho. But by my surprise Bendeho has trashed talk me to all my clan members, and whoever...I confronted him with my full intention of giving him the points, but was very unresponsive with vulgar language. At that point I refused to accommodate this high strung player with any support from my end. For the several players that know me, can understand that I do nothing of the sort.
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