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  1. i was hacked by the hob in some clan games why would u do soming like that, if your the #1 clan what u cant play me your self are u newbes or somthing cant do it your self so got to cheat lol u guys suck u should rename your clan to losers of emp ( LOE ) lol bibo what are u doing leting people cheat in your clan your the leader u talk like your all that with a bag of cheps so why u got to cheat for man your supose to be the #1 clan more like the 1 cheater clan oh cable2gz suck it :O :O :O :O lol i know u like it
  2. ok i got the mappack form the place u sent me too i down loaded the mappacks form 1 to 4 and i unzip them i looked at them and seen i still dont have them all i dont have maps0001.rfd maps0001.rfh maps0002.rfd maps0002.rfh thank u
  3. sorry about that i thought u would like the pic and thanks
  4. ok i got up to 3 on your list where do i find 1,2 thanks
  5. where do i find mappack 4 i went on the mappack sit but it only shows form 1 to 3 where is the 4 one?
  6. ok if u let them or u want to be lol
  7. i know mst9999 and he is very good he dont need the cheat so dont worry about it. i bet he can kick most people ass on the net : ) so dont mess with him or blood will spil, and the sand will harden and dune will be takin over.
  8. ture more people would be nice
  9. where do i find it ? and is it worth it ?
  10. when i got this game about 7 months ago there where lots of people online but now i harly see anyone. i think its becouse newbes dont get a chance to play ( long ). i think the good players should take on a newbe as a teacher, for better gaming : )
  11. put me on your list i love low money games
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