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  1. Well i play orc which is the weakest race this patch by some distance in solo. So when 1.13 comes out i expect to lvl up a bit more..the blizz tournys can be ok but the start times can be bad so i often miss them (they take too long anyways). Not played any cash tournys in TFT altho i played a few in classic. That was my high point of classic reaching semi of a cash tourny beating some good players along the way (Akrobatik being 1 of them) but eventually lost to a pro orc player called WiZard in the semi.
  2. hey yeah i kinda thought most of u would be playing Generals..i refused to buy it after seeing first hand what happened to emp and renegade. Say what u want about blizzard but they support thier games allright and battlenet is top notch. Wc3 is a great game and the competition is insane as is the micro required to beat those gosu players.
  3. hey i remember u in emp..u were playing wc3 at 1 point werent u? When i said max i meant maxpower of emp maybe u are thinking of maxpovver.
  4. FCUK and PIG
  5. yeah iv posted few times here since i left :P ok back on topic whoever u are lol
  6. Cuz i left July 2002 :O
  7. I see some of u still play with this new ladder which is good :) Iv been playing The Frozen Throne since its release its going pretty well. If any1 of the old emp players i know play wc3 u can look me up..well us actually in clan RoCV channel Northrend (euro server). Myself, Kebab, ear, bossofpig, max, jtripper and scaran all members. ;) I also play from time to time on Azeroth under Gorbad-Ironclaw.
  8. Ah i can remember the old FCUK when it was just earedil, me, acelethal, dplasma and kebab we dominated the ladder big time in a near white wash 1 month. Qm and clan. It was just as fun in PIG clan where i played most of my clan games over the months. Main players in PIG were boss, me, max, mdk, marcel and ace (who became my best team mate). Boss was great player too and is probably underated, we had alot of games together in custom helping each other with strategies. We Did win the clan ladder once with PIG in the middle of all the hobbtz cheating. Then b4 i left ENDO picked up the title. And now the ladders are shut down eh thats a shame but u could see it coming... How u doing anyway Ace? and does xvayne still post here?
  9. hey this is my anniversary also i left the game a year ago.. i still see a few familiar names but not many..oh well :'(
  10. yep many have got 1st place using milti nicks(and ducking with main nick) and got away with it. Harkdawg comes to mind and zaeblovse. I remember i had alrdy beat zaeblovse 1 month and i was still undefeated..but he started another nick alr79 and stopped playing with zaeblovse. After that he would only play me with zae while protecting his higher ranked nick alr79. its cheating plain and simple
  11. what planet were u on 1 year ago..cause u sure as hell werent here playing emp if u can come out with that rubbish
  12. thx dawg that was typo ;)
  13. hey did u just copy my D3vast8or nick? i won hark on feb 2002 with that nick. others included: cerb3erus, F1ametank, Tys0ntank, Warz0mbie, Jackalxwr.. I liked acelethal and kebabshop heh
  14. And last but not least Cerb3erus GMT (same as ear case u didnt know)
  15. yep crates should be a no no..unless u need a slice of luck to pull out the win.
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