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  1. i used to play 350 -500 games of dune2000 a month for about 14 months where i payed per-minute for my internet connection that was about 5-6 years ago.. ;D
  2. people underestimate infantry if you have 3 barracks pumping inf out as well as your other units b4 a big fight and they havn't botherd you should win everytime infantry are v cheap and build quick (more untis = more firepower meaning they die quicker = more targets for them to hit which takes them longer to kill - even if they die easy they still got to shoot them which means less shots going to your armour while theres are getting pounded-) i never used to stop building inf all game.....(having higher than standard res. helps a lot with that coz they all on screen at same time so u just click click click while your doing other bits n peices)
  3. i promised i would never buy another EA game coz of the way they are so amazeingly bad with there support i will stick by this...
  4. soz for going off topic ::) but how to get flag under name?
  5. i played very badley :-[ ace1 played very well 8) ace1 goes through gl m8
  6. lol crazy v ken on the old boards (shivers :O )
  7. these allways pop up and u can't answer them people are better at differant maps/house's/settings/subs or v other players ie brennq is currently the best QM player prob is a fair comment biblo = best ever player = is not biblo = best ever player on his sets he used = is
  8. good for peps to link to that old thread but 65% of that list is BS hence i opend up a new one i been on-line for 7 years in 4 differant games and never even seen most of them not ounce saying,... loyb imho ++ harvs is not exactley l33t style now is it lads?
  9. hmmmm yeah and everso slighty more useless in 7 years on ww server's i have never seen half of them b4 ;D imho = in my humble opinion (ROFL)
  10. for peps that don't know be nice to show em GL = good luck GG = good game WP = well played LOL = laughing out loud ROFL = rolling on floor laughing LMAO = laughing my azz off FFG = for fun game BC = battle clan (ie: "i was in BC game") QM = quick match (ie: "was QM game" or "play in QM?" ss = screen shot just for new peps that don't know em all u can feel silly asking if u don't know and you shouldn't ... anyones got anymore add em only use common ones i think this covers all but i prob. forgot some...
  11. was that QM brenn?? i thought quiting under 3 didn't count in QM...
  12. Nav calling someone else a ducker...... ROFL ;D
  13. i been matched with bestchris on qm 4 times (seperate times)..... and had 4 failed handshakes i thought "what rotten luck i really wanted to play him" anyways just checking his stats he's played 26 games so far .... 25 of them v people with no points.... the other guy had 20ish lol weird huh people without the balls to duck you by just canceling normally = total suckage
  14. i got warc3 wtf is the frozen throne? ???
  15. hmmm ijw v ace1gold kinda sux i gotta play my bud but thats life i guess..... :- u should play on vig if u win the game is yours, your dad got to let you upgrade ur comp sometime if its in 6 months so be it..... u can play it then (for free) (btw i'm sure peps could link to sites on how to upgrade mother boards for you its not that hard) - hehehe brenn v elite whos selling tickets to watch that? ;) -
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