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Everything posted by chouada

  1. All you have to do is wall off the north and place a gun turret. Build lots of tanks and a secondary construction yard(copec will bomb your const yds). Put some gun turrets by the first bridge in the south. Wait until you take out all of his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level vets. After that, troopers are the key. Send several battalions of troopers(20 or 30 at a time) to the turrets Copec has in the south. once you're clear, go into his base and take out the cluster of windtraps. This will stop his atomic bombings for a while. This is very important because its loss of buildings NOT units that loses the mission for you. Anyway, if you have about 10 or 15 troopers left, just attack his palace. If not, build your force while hes crippled from bombings. Now you know what to do, go blow up Copec's palace and you'll win. Don't worry about other buildings, you only need to destroy the palace.
  2. Effective fighting is as follows: Tlilaxu: Leech harvesters and such, try to leech something thats about to die.Use contaminators against the frozen units like a deployed kindjal or a deployed mortar, hell pretty much any thing diployed. Use them in number because they get taken down easily. Ix: Projector tanks are awesome! Try to project enemy units to level the playing field. Project millions of fast vehicles and send them to hunt the enemy. These are good to have if you're low on cash.(free copies anyone?) The infiltrators are alright but if threre's a turret nearby when it attempts to detonate it'll be destroyed to quickly. Fremen: The warriors are great for base defense against someone who's using a lot of infantry. Also they're pretty good to do some recon with. They have small LOS (line of sight) but they're always stealthed, SORRY CAN'T FINISH GOTTA GO, HELP YA LATER!
  3. Cheating shmeating, you have to beat the game with all houses first and then you can cheat. If you already beat it, its not cheating, its expirimenting.
  4. Pro: Ordos las tanks are the shizzy. Con: You need to use them in vast #s
  5. You all probably know this, but the BEST way to win with ordos is to find wreckage. Pair up a dustie w/ a las tank and go hunting! Ordos vehicles are great against everybody, but, you need to fight in numbers. Find and destroy all of the wreckage and collect your cash. In the first 2 minutes of the mission you could have up to 14000 extra solaris. Build a whole bunch of las tanks and take out the enemy base.
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