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Everything posted by prosthetic_eye

  1. what if ur in a different time zone?
  2. 402. You have daily threesomes with your wife and concubine (Irulan and Chani)
  3. can y'alls give me the URL to get these? i cant find them at the Emporer site...
  4. w/e, i meant stunner, i havent read DUNE in a while...
  5. w/e, but in the book sardaukar had tasers, and swords, while fremen had crysknives...
  6. what? the sadaukar have tasers, and the fremen have crysknives, right?
  7. what? saying that the SFX guy did the doughboy?
  8. while fremen are uncloacking; sardaukar are already shootin' at them conclusion, sardaukar are better...
  9. lol, but seriously, what scandal?
  10. tanx harkhan, i take it u like harkonnen? and btw, how do you get to use the sub houses in DE:BFD? do you ally, and take over, or are they like the mercenaries - wheras they help you, but they can't be controlled?
  11. what is a slig/face dancer?
  12. merry x-mas y'alls, and i hope i get some of the sardaukar and fremen legions, and some squads of 'thropters... :)( i also want a copy of Dune 3000! ) !-_-!
  13. which book, ex?
  14. i thought this was Arrakis :)
  15. you mean it's weight in water :)
  16. 38. When you (if your a guy) have sex with more than ten women at the same time and you get busted by your parents, say you were reenacting the Seitch Tau Orgy.
  17. they'll probably have gholas (reanimated corpses) like Piter DeVries from Dune (the novel) and NBC warfare of some kinds...
  18. why do wish it would still be in print? i can get it @ my library...
  19. 31. When you break into your parents booze cabinet and drink all of the gin, (try to)explain your drunkeness by saying you drank the water of life.
  20. i dont want to start one of those gay MB wars. I do read the real books damn it,and all i was saying was that the ordos are not a westwood creation, the name was in existance BEFORE the game(s) were even created! so please do not assume because it makes an ASS out of U and ME (ASS-U-ME=ASSUME get it?)
  21. thanx for the support, but not all infantry have "machine guns" sabotuers are "infantry," as well as the engineers and thumpers. but the engineers' weapon is capturing buildings, the sabotuers' weapon is destroying buildings, and the thumpers' weapon is the thumper.
  22. gee mahdi, herbert obviously had something to do with the encyclopedia if it was from HIS NOTES as it said in the beginning of the encyclopedia... it doesn't matter if he wrote it or not, ordos wasn't a westwood creation, maybe the bio, but not the name. and it also doen't matter if he wrote it because it was from his notes, which were his ideas that weren't used or weren't important enough... -DNA (s i c)
  23. ordos do exist!!! read frank herbert's "Dune Encyclopedia" it's stuff frum his notes, and look under either houses, great or great houses it will mention ordos.
  24. i know a lot about weapons and fire, and violent stuff enough, and machine guns are usually constant rat-a-tat-tat noises, wheras the fremen weapon is a "woosh-pause-woosh" sequence. now correct me if im wrong, but you said "What leads you to believe it's different is simply the sound effect they use." for all we know it could be a laser they're shooting. a sound does play an important part in identifying something. and in the books the only weapons i believe thewy used were crysknives, and maula pistols. i never remember the fremen using machine guns. and what do you mean by "primary and secondary weapons?" you can't choose which ones they use...
  25. hey, is the new Fremen weapon sound a maula pistol? in the books they said that Fremen had maula pistols, which are spring loaded, or sumtin... the Fremen weapon in 1.06 sounds like a spring loaded weapon.... thanx - DNA
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