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  1. You obviously don't have too much experience with this game to call Hobbtz that good of players. I'll grant that they are good on THEIR setts. This is the thing, THEY NEVER (NEVER NEVER NEVER) PLAY A BC ON OTHER SETTS. Plus, FEW has been hacked by cable2ghz
  2. I wouldn;t even try to waste all the time it would take to fix all that he wants fixed, Edric
  3. Lol! Yes, Nav, let's be mature, let's not accuse somebody of cheating when they simply defend somebody from it. Also, somebody you don't like is not a cheater.
  4. LOL good idea man!
  5. Hey Chudy, I just never posted on these forums, I used Soul Reaver's forums as of late. tell me what your nickname online is. And we'll play a few
  6. Now, I have an experiment for any one of you. Ask Bilbo to join your game, for a clan match, I'll bet you, that the conversation will be this (it happened to me). Page to bilbo : join my game Response : join my game you pussy In that exact order, that is exactly what happened. He will duck ANYBODY if not on his setts.
  7. CHUDY!!!! WHEN DID YOU GET BACK?!?!?! HOW'S IT GOING MAN? Sorry to hear you are leavin, Navaros
  8. BTW: Bilbo has officially ducked me.
  9. Well, I'm not happy about the move, but ah well, what could I expect from Devinoch.
  10. Also the kindjal can arguabl;y be called better, because it kills both infantry and tanks. But the mortor has to shoot up and arc back down to kill the opposition, while the kindjals shoots straight.
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