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  1. The Speaker could be a woman. ever see sinead o'connor with hoses on her head?. me neither but it's possible.
  2. Couldnt the remains of a dead worm be harvested for $?
  3. what exactly was this giant worm supposed to accomplish when it was active?
  4. all houses have the same ending? nuts!
  5. Does anyone else think that the giant worm plot twist at the end of the atreides missions was the stupidest thing imaginable. And why does it have little arms on it?
  6. Dune Units look cooler
  7. I have the latest drivers. the whole game works except for geidi prime levels
  8. has anyone ever had trouble due to the textures in the giedi prime levels? In either of the 1st two on the Harkonnen disc, my game crashes to desktop. info: im running an Athlon 1.2ghz 256mb ram voodoo5 5500 w latest directX WindowsME also have latest patch installed for Emperor. I would appreciate any help I can get. -Nico
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