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  1. I'm near completing the 5th book. Coming to think about, although I prefer Chani, Irulan would be ok, that is if she didnt have orders to kill me, Or do something else.
  2. I chose Chani. Cos in my opinion, shes pretty, strong, a warrior(I love warriors) and above all, she is cool. I'm on God Emporer of Dune. Why did Frank Herbert miss 3000 years of history?
  3. No, I am not. The only defeat i'm used to is the defeat of my temper being unleashed. Belive me, its no pretty site if I'm mad. But I wont get mad here, cos I have a feeling thats what your trying to make me do, make me mad. You will fail!
  4. I'm bored with this. I do not except defeat. I will continue fighting on RA2's side as long as I need to. But my other favourite forums are back, so I'm gonna spend most of my time there!
  5. Slaves: They are already under basic mind-control. Airplanes: Not sure. BTW, the slaves do not belong to the WarMiners, they belong to the Slave Miners!
  6. Yuri has a longer range of MindControl than the Voice most likely. And anyway, ppl in the Dune era can be susceptible to MindControl, if the Voice can control them, cos the Voice is pratically mind control.
  7. Ah, but they are still suseptible to MindControl, and the mindcontroller's brains are still quite advanced themselves.
  8. The Voice cannot be used in Emporer, and besides, Mindcontrollers have a longer range + Bene Gesserits can easily be turned into Brutes/Controlled by the Psychic Dominiator!.
  9. The only thing which cannot be mind controlled is a ROBOT!!!!
  10. Suddenly Nukes + Weather Storms attack, big disaster.
  11. You seem to have conveniantly forgotten about both the Magnetro and Virus. Virus would take out sniper, Magnetron would incapacitate the Laser Tanks and Gattleing Tanks would bring down the Ornithopters.
  12. I now dont really have a problem with either game, cos i've just made the Atredies invincible pratically so I can have a game just as fun when I was crushing the Ordos before the crashes. But I will still defend RA2's side, cos its easier to modify and I have not been able to play any of the Mods for Emperor, even following all the instructions of installation. Wereas in RA2 i've installed tons of Mods, all great, all cool, including making my own, and its worked.
  13. What about Yuri's Psychic army? Better than any Ordos/Atredies/Harkonen army in my view, Yuri Prime + Masterminds + Yuri Clones + Viruses + Magnetrons + Gattling Tanks + Floating Discs. Then bring in Chrono Legionares for backup.
  14. I find RA2 more interesting, as I said in another post, I got very annoyed and gave up after 5 save game crashes. All of which overloaded the memory! >:(
  15. I found RA2 more addictive because I gave up on E:BFD after 5 save game crashes, 3 of which were very devastating. I was about to destroy the Ordos Capital and the game just locked up when I was about to save. RA2 can also run easier on my system anyway. I also prefer the storyline and gameplay of RA2 to Emporer
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