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Everything posted by Tibeirus

  1. It's been a pleasure to find out how people react and think about this fact. You see, this question we ask oureselves is so complicated that only simplicity could work. Much nonsense and waste of time from those who participated. Conclusion: Try to think simple (I gave some examples in the past replies on this topic) and the answer will come...
  2. First of all... the book will be in Romanian because I want to be sure that it will be a bestseller in other countries (romanian people aren't used with reading books nowadays). If it will be a bestseller in my country, fact that many people believe, it will defenetly be a bestseller in other countries. It will be published around this early spring, although I'm almost ready (it takes a lot of time to be analised reanalised and rereanalised... and a lot of other process till it's ready for the public + the winter holidays). The name may sound a bit weird in English but it sounds great in Romanian. So here's a very quick brief of it: Introduction + a bit of autobiography What's a dream and steps to complete for your dream to become a target. Why you should do it. The big process.(main title) The contract The routine Be the best! Back to the roots There's no fiction in it... simply why and how to do it... How to make your dreams reality. Now here's why I have chosen to do this thing: -I don't really expect to be rich and famous, I simply have a dream. To meet the person from that vision, vision that completely changed me, and to thank her for whatever she did to appear in my dream. -I made a lot of mistakes but what's most painful is that I have actually destroyed people. Now I would do anything to help as much people as I can. By helping other people, I become more succesful and I get closer and closer to my dream. ... So much for the moment, you'll find the rest of the information in my book. Or perhaps, if I have time, I'll mail you with more information yet I suggest that reading the entire book is better... if you can bear to wait a while. I agree that I have some grammar issues and I appreciate that you can help me fix some. Thank you!
  3. SandChigger ... I'm not sure that you understand me from your feedback. I would like to say that, if so, you've reached a level of incompetence and now you are incompetent to understand my message. But don't be sad. We all encounter the same problem so there has to be a solution: Try to think from different perspectives. Giving me same replies is useless. I know that I am right and you know that you are right. But here's what. I don't want to point out your problems. You have to do this and don't let me know... So much for the "bonus round"... P.S. Best example is Dante's last post. He just did it! What about you?
  4. Oh but why should I stop when I could end it my way... "Wingnut with an agenda"? Perhaps but here's what... I don't need such feedback because I know what my problems are... I just have to look in the mirror. It's the guy I have to shave every morning. Now think of yourself. Can you observe some of your problems? I don't think so... And here's your first problem. Try to think about it. People often say this: Oh, it's terrible... Everyone is so selfish nowadays and everybody's thinking only of itself. Only I think of myself. And the way I want to be treated like...? Honestly, I'd like to take a break for the moment. But what about you? I see such complicated words here and they seem to be useless. And all this criticism shown comes as a result of fear. It's really a pain in the neck to see people and say: Look at him... he's so... this and that... How can he be successful? I recently bought an anti-looser spray. So here's how it works: Does your ideal image at least relate to the real one? (biggest loosers are those who debate on this) Ever felt this thing: It's useless! I tried and I tried but I had the same result. I kept doing this thing but I had the same result over and over again... It nice to debate. But the result should bring something real. ... and remember! We end it in our way and the result is given by us... "wingnut with and agenda"... this really made me laugh... Thank you!
  5. Why do so much people want be right without thinking that they could be wrong? I stop here...
  6. Thank you! :)
  7. ... About the roots Dante, we have forgotten our roots... that's it! Take a look at yourselves, where are you going? Everything was built using faith... one day, a man said: People can fly... And now we can! Just an idea: If we believe in the existence of God, he will exist. For those who believe he doesn't exist, he won't exist. It's simple. It's usless to debate on this thing.
  8. No... no ... I couldn't open the "UIBB" R8 file...
  9. Ok... I knew that I could heat up this thread because I wanted to see how people think. It's ok not to agree with something but to be neutral is useless. Anyway, here's what I'd like you to know: - every single one of you is right (in his way) - if people don't believe in God, why should they believe in us? If they believe in them, they will believe in us... People won't change because I made them change, they will change because they wanted to... People follow me for their benefits, and I relate to people for my benefit. I call it interrelation. Once this interrelation takes place, we're a team. And since every one of you has at least a goal and if we're all sharing the same planet, then why in the world are we debating? Let's be a team and make our dreams come true!
  10. Why's that?... ever heard of Joan of Arc?... who could believe that a teenage peasant could lead the entire french army?... almost none, but due to the situation they were in it happened... it simply happened. Try to imagine what if... what if you could do this or that? Your way of thinking and responding can kill other people's dreams and goals... did you ever think of this? Smile... be positive and do whatever you want to do!
  11. Well... here's the list: Soundtracks from (the gladiator, braveheart, children of dune, titanic) Laura Pausini "e ritorno da te" album Celine Dion (all french albums and some other hits) Queen Craig Armstrong Yanni ... etc...etc And here's the list of "used to listen"... long time ago... Young Jeezy (thug motivation 101, the inspiration, can't ban the snowman albums) Boyz N Da Hood Chamillionaire dayday MR0H10 and many other...
  12. As a matter of fact it's worse than this... you should know it better... so please, carry on with your idea.(lack of optimism)
  13. I wanted to be simple and it has become simple. I denied the human misery and that's why people follow me. I was in misery but I couldn't stay there. Simple and positive... two words that should describe us, the people. Ok... it's almost morning in my country so I'd better rest. I've got a full day ahead and I'm ready for new experiences. Have faith!
  14. You see... this is the biggest power we have here. Try to believe it and I'll help you, when the time comes...
  15. I'll just say: What's your dream?
  16. Vision with someone I never heard of though I found about the fact that she really exists, and one interesting thing: I used to watch "the fields" I call it, when I was at the countryside from beneath a tree. Suddenly I saw a strange looking fly. It was something between a bee and a fly, with the wings of a dragonfly... I don't know what made me but I moved my hand to this tiny thing and it just landed on my finger. For a minute I analyzed it and then it flew away... And when I used to seat and watch the sunshine, speaking with God, a beautiful butterfly was next to me, every single time. I like to think this isn't coincidence... you may think whatever... but I'd like you to know that having faith really helps you!
  17. It's based on man's biggest power and a process based on values. I'm not here do debate... I'm here to relate and as much as I would want, I can't relate to an atheist or however you may call yourself. Get rid of that empty space from your heart and then we will relate. As for the secret, when I first read the book, I realized that I was applying many parts of it before knowing of it's existence.
  18. Nice, heard of them... actually I've created my own ways of communicating with God... it might sound ridiculous but it's not. Besides this, I even get feedback. And there it is, the one thing humans couldn't get. And feedback comes when you really need it. Let me illustrate: I was charged for felony though I really didn't commit any. It was the early period since I made a change. So I had to pay for this thing, and the next day, I was standing on the stairs of my backyard asking someone imaginary: Am I supposed to pay for my past mistakes? If you really exist up there or down here... why don't you give a sunshine on my district. It was a rainy day. Right after 10-15 sec something made a hole into the dense clouds, right were the sun was at that moment and the landscape was golden.... And numerous other moments like this one. I don't think that I had countless coincidences during the last 2 years. Try to analyze this before you reply. Faith and God isn't the way common people think it is. It's much more complex. That's it...
  19. Oh boy, it seems that I must be more specific. You see, I'm out of the mud and I've set ropes for others. But the most important thing before acting is the way of thinking. So here I am, trying to make people understand and apply a new system. I hope I made myself clear. You should take a rope to.
  20. I see you like to choose from my questions to answer... If you know that you will die, doesn't it sound painful on the inside? Doesn't death sound stupid? You know, having faith makes you look at this moment and smile, and the difference between us is the fact that I'll be happy even when thinking of death. You, on the other hand will be quite nervous about this thing... perhaps not in the next years but do continue with your thinking and the last years will look pretty grim. Let me illustrate: You'll get old, you'll get sick and every day will be like torture. How do I know it? Well let's just say you are like my grandmother in thinking. The only difference is that you can still change. It's up to you...
  21. You see, I'm speaking about the majority. If you are in the US or W Europe I'd say yes it's a bit better though there's a huge number of people who relate to my definition of stupidity. Anyway you should know how Highscool really looks like in E Europe, Rusia, China & India. This is the majority and people suffer here. Did you know that the medium salary in china is around 20 dollars? And hischool means army. In Romania for example as well as in all the countries I have mentioned, children are trained to be good servants. There's no freedom of thinking. When someone wants to raise itself out of the mud, the system gives him a slap on the head and he falls again into the mud. So where's the sunshine? Please get more informed before doing any kind of debate. About the motivational speeches... what do you suppose I could be...?
  22. Do you know that the system has set the human mind towards negative and we are never satisfied? Therefore the present will always suck...
  23. Ok, then what do you stand for? Why do you wake up every day to start it? If it's so boring and there's nothing else after you die, why don't you say enough? Why don't you commit suicide? Let me tell you why, because you don't posses yourself. Because you're not capable of possessing yourself... yet. Therefore when you die, you get to posses yourself. When you die, you start living... and this time for real. It's well known, ask those whom were in clinical death and you'll find reality to be a bit different...
  24. Ok, this really sounds interesting. First of all what people call "God" really exists. And there's proof for that. Let me illustrate: Around 3 years ago I was totally vs. any kind of religion. I used to do steal, I got involved in fights, and many more things like that, so God wasn't a thing I was afraid of. I thought I was pretty tough but the truth was that I had lost everything, including my fate. So I say the followings: "When I could not believe in God anymore, He continued believing in me..." Let me illustrate: By that time I knew I had 2 options: Get rich or go to jail trying... I couldn't just quit. Life wasn't that great... restless nights, greed, and many human imperfections. I did not know what else to do. Now here's how He helped me: First of all, I had a vision (complete story in my book) and I decided to just simply quit doing my thing in the hood. I knew that if I made one wrong move it was Game Over!... So I decided to be the first that says Game Over... What happened next? I never heard of them since then as if they'd simply left this world. From a thug to a business man? At this age? Under what circumstances? In conclusion it's simple (at least to me): God exists and there's no hell... Sins will be forgotten and none will have to suffer. Thanks to God I'm still alive. So here's my question: Whom would you thank for being still alive? Have faith!
  25. Nice to see another place where people try to understand things. But why do we try to understand some things that aren't helping us at all? Anyway here's what most people have in common: - they complain about their life (job, family, politics, etc...) Ok... so it's good to say "I don't like that because bla bla..." but it isn't enough... You have to do something in order to change something. - they are very negative (they call themselves "realistic") and their advice is like this: "You can't do that..." "You're not properly trained for it..." "You don't have the financial status..." "You're a looser..." And that why most of the times our friends prove to be foes. Some years ago, I used to hustle round the blocks and do stupid things. I should have went into jail. Now I'm writing a book named: The DREAM- the biggest power of a human. Now I help a lot of people find their way and reach success. And why do I do this? Simple, because I have to... I've got a dream and helping others is on the "do list". I found the road to success and I'm taking as many people as I can on this road. So here's what I think about you: Your life is great, you are capable of so many things and you can do whatever you set your mind to do. First step: What's your dream?... (to be continued)...
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