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Everything posted by Alexpop2

  1. Excellent patch! But in first mission, where the map is too small, and if you try to run the first mission it will be crashed
  2. atreides mis 5: this time not for capture harkonnen barracks, its for smugglers reinforcments, to get this reinforcment you need to capture smuggler starport, which is on the right corner, then you get MCV for free and could build the base ;) (sorry for my english)
  3. Mercenary palace can be placed with hex editor on *.map files with special values - http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=21895.0 Cool map, i hope we will see more of this maps)
  4. But where you find this? I changed the value to 01 but its still fullscreen ???
  5. зачем хостс? можно по хамачи играть или по плану хамачи вроде только версия поддерживаеться http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=20809.0
  6. What version of dune do you have? if 1.02 http://dune2k.com/Duniverse/Games/Dune2000/Downloads/Trainers/ here)
  7. Try this - http://neptune.spaceports.com/~fax/fin/zip/dune2000_trn.zip
  8. hmm... i tried to took _o7v1.mis renamed to _prac.mis and put in maps folder and i have ally with ordos yellow and emperor and play for ordos green, and ai can deviate mcv but they dont want to build new constructions :(
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