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Everything posted by CCHyper

  1. Got a update for you guys! With help from tomsons26, together we were able to remake the box art for Dune 2000! I have attached two variations based on the EU and US versions.
  2. I have the posters already printed, so there is no problem there, just the shipping costs as mentioned :) I pack the posters in a strong poster tube and the posters are wrapped in a plastic for added protection. Shipping to Europe is £16.78 ($21.54), and the transit is normally 2 to 4 days. I would have to find out costs for America and other countrys on request.
  3. I can look into this for you, drop me a PM with you address :) Could you show examples of what you mean by the mini-series or books? Well I am working on a alternative Dune II poster, But I am working on a design based on the movie artwork, though the high res artwork I obtained is heavily creased...
  4. Like a poster based on the movie franchise? I have some high res somewhere on my home server, I can take a look and see what I can come up with :) Also, thanks to MVI, I am working on a poster for Dune2k also!
  5. RA++ is currently on a private repository as are still working towards a stable codebase. Hopfully by the end of this year we will be public :) So no one is interested in one of these awesome posters?
  6. That is correct, I would be shipping them from the UK. :)
  7. Hi FED2k! It has been a long time since I stuck my head in to say hello, some of you might remember me when I was researching for a high-res patch for D2k. All my time now is spent on a new project called "RA++", but that is not why I am here... In my profession, I work in the commerical print industry and this gives me access to all sorts of awesome services, and this includes printing posters for absolute pennies, including this one... I am able to source the Dune II key art from the box in very high resolution, so this allowed me to produce a "movie style" poster, with complete game credits! Now I have 9 of these available (maybe more in the future if they go quickly) and the printed size is 58cm x 86cm, and Nyerguds just got one from me and he can varify the high quality of the print. :) So I am offering these out to anyone and everyone, and all you would need to pay for is the postage/carriage charge, so the poster is absolutly free! You can contact me via PM, and they are first come, first serve! I have many others posters I have designed and recreated with the help of tomsons26 from CNCNet, so if you have any requests for other games C&C, Tomb Radier, Metal Gear Solid, Lands Of Lore etc, I can look into producing posters for these games too :D
  8. With the database dump? There is nothing you can do really other than use it for research. It is a dump from the IDA Pro HexRays decompiler that produced pseudo C formatted code.
  9. Someone who goes under Glukv48 hacked ugorden's VQA encoder to allow 800x600; http://www.ppmsite.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=38148
  10. The VQA Engine from TS supports any resolution video. The game might clip the viewport though. *EDIT: Looking back through this topic, how does the new 'high res' patch work? I wondered why there was not a in-game menu created to list resolutions or a command line option to set it? (This is what I last looked into).
  11. Nice, its MVI's dump of my IDA database for D2k! (Notice the debug code I added at the end of the file).
  12. Nice! Glad to see someone took over from me and finally got it working, is it bug free?
  13. What have I missed? Someone passed onto me that someone got around the issues I had with the screen blitting and got a fully working patch?
  14. Hey MVI! Hows it going?
  15. Excellent work here, seriously! I struggled with the blitting routines as i *had* no graphics background, and always got stuck for days working out what was going on. I have a IDA Pro database with a lot of stuff named, mostly function names and static members, but your welcome to it if you like, just PM me and ill send it over. :)
  16. I have had a few messages as of late, mostly asking if I am still active and working on the patch. I have been helping MVI with some little hacks, so I am active, on and off, but I am working on the patch, there are quite a few problems I must research into more, and I do not have a lot of time to be honest. But I will post any updates :)
  17. I am also having trouble working out the file names of the UI, Sidebar up and down buttons etc. And i am unable to open the R16 archives with MVI's tool...
  18. Na its fine. I was just showing what I found. That pathfinding function shows where the worms are too!
  19. Well I forced this to activate, in the games main loop. How is it normaly done?
  20. Found me a debug path finding feature...
  21. I do not know enough about networking and packets to look into that. But you could perhaps get the creator of CNCNet (hifi) to perhaps add Dune2k support? Dune2k uses the same IRC WOL engine i think... Also, i found this, i'm guessing it was for debugging...
  22. Good news, i was researching in the right area, half of the sidebar assets are moved!
  23. After a few hours are trying to get the sidebar to move (i think i found the variables), i have found out that the game has some very annoying memory bugs, and graphic drawing for that...
  24. Well I will continue once my new monitor arrives. I'm posting from my Android! The focus is on the higher resolutions. But some edited UIL files might have to be done. Is there a editor yet?
  25. Erm, *cough*... Hey guys? I know its been some time. Wont go into detail, but the most relevant reason is a lack of a computer to work from. I have done a few little updates to my patch, nothing important though. I'm guessing that no one else has stepped up to the task?
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