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Everything posted by chaser

  1. I would. It sounds great :)
  2. chaser

    Site Updates

    It is quite difficult to read when you write in blue :) In my opinion, it is better when all posts are the same color. Also I would like to suggest making 14-16 posts per page, because now there are 30. If you've read all for example 24 posts and some people reply, you need to scroll a lot to get to the bottom of the page.
  3. I've solved my problem! (party) :) ;D There was bad hosts file. It was named as hosts1.bak or hosts1. I could type in it whatever I wanted there wouldn't be any changes in the game. There was actually the real one hosts file (named: 'hosts'), but I couldn't see it and don't know why (I see other hidden files). I realized it when created a new one in another folder and did copy/paste in 'etc', then got asked if I want to overwrite it. After that I connected to RA's server without any problems :) I hope you understood what I wrote here ;D Thanks for help once again! Meet you on the sand :)
  4. About the serial maybe you're right. I only need to figure out how to change it faster. Without doing reinstall :) Thanks for help! :)
  5. Ok, I'll try to explain everything what I've done :) 1. Installed EBFD with generated serial 2. cracked emperor.exe 3. patched to v1.09 4. installed mini-patch 5. in hosts1 file looks like owwl posted before (also tried ' localhost' and add only ' servserv.westwood.com') I have NIS. I disable it before connecting.. Nothing changes.. Bad pw always :( I know that it has to be from 8 letters. I've tried different nicks (like 'aisdjj') and strong pw ('H3l%lo83'), pw which consist only of letters, letters and numbers. I also have a router, but I didn't have any problems with connectivity. I had files missing once from patch v1.09, so it downloaded automatically from the server. Now I undo (undid :)) hosts file a few minutes ago (deleted that line with RA's IP and servserv.westwood.com), and got the same result - "bad password". It seems that it doesn't matter if I change hosts file or not. Any ideas? :) P.S. OS: win xp P.P.S. I've read the topic about playing with the same serial in the server at the same time. It worked! :) If I know correctly, it doesn't work when number of players registered with the same serial reached maximum.
  6. I've tried few times to reinstall ebfd with different serials but it hasn't worked. Is there any simpler way to change serial without reinstalling ebfd? Because I can try 1 serial/install and if it doesn't work I have to reinstall the game again.
  7. Hi everyone, I didn't want to create a new topic because my cousin and I have the same problem. When we try to connect to RA's server we get "bad password" message. We did everything what was written in "getting online guide (or smth like this)" but I think the problem is that we've installed EBFD with generated serial and our EBFD is cracked (copy/paste emperor.exe before first start). EBFD was downloaded using torrent. Is there any possibility that it will work with unique serial number if the emperor.exe is cracked? If it should work, could anyone for example share his/her serial number or has more serials accidentally :) We would be grateful :) We play EBFD on hamachi vs AI or 1x1 but it is not very interesting :) We also joined 3mp3r network on hamachi but usually there is no one or 1-2 people rarely connects. Thank you P.S. Sorry for my bad english :)
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