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Everything posted by Kalas

  1. I succeeded. Also, when you can't look at a fire poker and not wish for sandworms to use it on. And of course, plan to build a stillsuit. *hides blueprints*
  2. To the above poster, Feyd daughter via Margot Fenring. Paul killed approximately sixty billion, Hitler killed six million Jews(he killed non-Jews too,) Genghis Khan four million total.
  3. Got the Harkonnens: Heretics of Dune, pg 124: "Underlying all of this was what the Harkonnens had left behind--genetic lines tracing far back into the dawn times of Greek and Pathan and Mameluke..." Bam, book of canon rechecked.
  4. As to the Harkonnens being whatever they are, I said I wasn't sure... ::) I agree with you that they've probably all interbred to a point where it doesn't matter, and the Corrinos were already ruling from SS when the Zensunnis arrived there, as per the time line, and I doubt the Imperial family will have bred with Zensunni vagrants.
  5. I think it's rather unfair to compare Brian and Frank, Frank's books are undoubtedly far superior, I agree wholeheartedly with that, but if you do not compare the works of the father to the works of the son you'll find the prequels aren't that bad within themselves.
  6. To those who believe Brian Herbert is doing this to line his own pockets: What son would purposefully ruin his father's legacy? (Leto II doesn't count) It's a fair guess that Brain loved his father, and he's not trying to profiteer off his memory. Honestly, I enjoyed the prequels and the BJ books. Sure, they weren't as good as the originals, and how could you possibly expect them to be? It's not like FH caliber authors are a dime a dozen! For God's sake he's one of the most beloved authors of all time! How would you feel if your career was comprised of trying to live up to your father? Give poor Brian a break! Brian and Kevin did the best they could guys! And they didn't do a bad job, they just didn't do a Frank job. And one more thing, didn't Frank's books show us that devoting ourselves to one way of thinking and taking the easy way out leads 'ever down into stagnation?' If you don't like the prequels, it's your loss, but if you really like the Duniverse, I don't see a reason to tear it in half.
  7. The Atreides are Greek. 'Nuff said. The Harkonnens are supposedly Greek/Turkish with some Mameluke blood. (can't remember where that was.) The Corrinos are Caucasian and you can bet the Fremen are Arabian-ish. The others I leave to your imagination, but I', really sure Duncan is Caucasian. Bam, my big book of canon, right in your face.
  8. Atreides: Toss-up between Paul and Miles. Harkonnen: Xavier. (Yeah, I know, the stinking prequels. They weren't that bad.)
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