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  1. What gets me is why people don't use the other command buttons more (such as waypoints). Also I think it's hilarious when you time it so you capture an enemy building (like a windtrap that's out of place) and build a starport there, make it primary while you have 6 devastators coming in.. heh not many people ever expect that coming, although it's probably the worst tactic ever used in this game and nearly never works... and waypointing saws over enemy spicefields has to be the most fun thing to be done.
  2. heh probs nobody remembers m.. I was such a terrible player my old nick was napalm.
  3. odd.. tried this with a buddy and still doesn't work in skirmish (1 ally). oh well, i'll stick to co-op then :P
  4. Is there any way to patch or mod the game so in a 4 player map you can unit transfer to your allies such as in Co-Op campaign (using the O key)
  5. ok thanks a lot.. got the wrong map before :P
  6. I think this is the map you were referring to http://dune2k.com/?page=files-emperor&show=fanmaps&id=632 it's guild convention.. strangely I can't find any maps by Kalony.
  7. dw, i've sorted it.. had to roll back some drivers for my graphics card strangely. didn't know how that affected the game.. I blame the poor scripting of this game :P
  8. I'm just wondering, me and my mate want to try playing a skirmish vs AI on LAN, but the problem is that they kill each other which makes it unchallenging.. is there any current patch which automatically makes the AI ally against human players or would a manual mod be in order?
  9. aha you are all forgetting the sneaky atredies APC engineer drop heh heh... so fun to use, stealth apcs, some people never see it coming.
  10. I use ATI Radeon 9800.. and i've tried rolling back drivers, different versions of Catalyst etc.. Still acts busted.
  11. Horridly enough, me and my friend have been trying to play on the Co-Op Campaign mode on the XWIS server. Whenever we go on, we can both log on fine and watch the first movie, but in the middle of connecting, I here the standard windows error message sound and it tells me that game.exe has crashed in the middle of a process, this is on the connecting screen of course. Also, my friend has to host as he is apparantly "banned" from the XWIS server or my game channel does not exist (exact message is "Channel does not exist") we have both tried disabling our firewalls and uninstalling them, and have opened every port required. Does anyone know if XWIS has stopped supporting Co-Op campaigns or new games? (Can't do skirmishes on XWIS server either).. everything peachy on RA's serer but still no Co-Op there..
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