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  1. It wasn't just at the official forum. ;)
  2. You could always come over to Arrakeen. http://z10.invisionfree.com/Dune_Forum/index.php?
  3. The definition of KH is a male BG. While some females had prescient abilities(Alia, Odrade), males were far more powerfull in that regard. In fact, Alia became lost in her attempt to match Paul's vision. It is never really explained why males are gifted.
  4. This quote shows that there were stars when the no-ship came out of foldspace: So, this book is already flawed. Wow, two chapters and they already fly off on their own misguided direction. Star patterns! Visible Star Patterns....
  5. I have read every stinking book KJA and Brian have put out. I have read a wide range of sci-fi books both popular and obscure. I have read the best of them all....the Dune Chronicles. And I can tell you that the prequels are the most horrid drivel I have ever come across. I am actually sick of writing about it. I am also active on many Dune forums and I can tell you that the majority of people I have come across agree with me. I put the prequels in the bottom 5% of all sci-fi books ever published. That's a pretty wide gap when we're supposedly talking about the same universe as the best books ever. And it's not just the writing; it's the ideas of the authors and the motives of the characters in their crappy 2 dimensional books. Perhaps it is just the online community that feels this way. We can be pretty overbearing when it comes to defending Dune. Maybe we just scare the hell outta the people that like the pres. If you like, them that's your opinion, but it's also our right to not like them and to tell you how and why and where KJA can stick them.
  6. How's everyone doing? My first post here. Nice sietch you got. Anyway, here's a post I did a while back. I thought it was relevant to the discussion....but this is just on the first books, Foundation and Dune. ;) EDIT: some GEoD as well :P http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.php/1/5/3012/2820
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