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  1. Not sure where to post this, I haven't been around in a long time. My wife and I are moving to Bangladesh in July and we're getting rid of all our stuff. This means I'm selling off my copy of Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium RPG by Last Unicorn games. I though some of you here might appreciate a heads-up on this since these are so rare (only 3000 made total as far as I know). I've placed it up for auction on eBay, I'm really sad to see it go, but can't store it or take it (we already have far too much stuff). :- It's in great condition, check it out: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=8822543767&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT Thanks, and sorry if I've posted this in the wrong forum.
  2. Scroll down on this page until you see "Japanese Covers": http://www.arrakis.co.uk/books.html I wish I knew where to get these, myself. I love Japanese stuff. Kancho! - David
  3. It's because they all had the hots for CHA!ni. ;D
  4. I don't know, it'll take a few weeks to arrive. 8)
  5. Just picked up Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium off of eBay. :O My wallet feels considerably lighter now. ::)
  6. That might just be possible. ;) But hang on, I think I've just come upon a copy of the book for a VERY cheap price, from a book store that doesn't know what it's got...I'll keep you all updated. ;D
  7. I've been trying to get a hold of a copy of Last Unicorn Game's Dune RPG that they released at GenCon in 2000. Unfortunately, everyone who's selling them online is asking a LOT of money for them, money I can't spend right now. Wizards of the Coast bought Last Unicorn with the intention of converting the Dune game to the d20 system, but never released it (in fact, they shut it down). A couple of years ago I had a petition to save it, but nothing came of that. What I'm wondering now is if anyone here has a copy of the game that he could transform into PDF. We could use it as a basis for our own conversion to the d20 system, and based on that, put out adventures/accessories that expanded that universe. What do you think? - David (Who wants the PDF even if the idea isn't good)
  8. dportela


    Ok, I get it now. And of course I know BC dates increase the further back in time you go, I just didn't know BG dates did the same. - David
  9. dportela


    5000 BC would then be the currect BG date minus 7000, which means 14000 BG - 7000 = 7000 BG. Still don't see where you get those other dates... - David
  10. dportela


    Vanguard, 20000BG? How do you figure that? - David
  11. Vanguard3000, you're right, it does say Yueh's house, but it is NOT capitalized. - David
  12. Hey guys, if the emperor wanted to get rid of Leto so bad, why does Irulan say he was extremely angry when he heard of Leto's death, and that he esteemed him? Weird... ???
  13. dportela


    Feyd, Dune is the third planet, and Mars is the fourth...unless something cataclismic happened to Venus, Earth, or Mercury (which is possible, but unlikely), this would sort of shoot down your idea... In fact, it would be more probable that Dune itself is Earth, but I doubt that too. ::)
  14. Nema, ok I'll buy the threat scenario, but if the Atreides still governed Caladan, why is it listed as Count Fenring's fief in the book? Very weird... ???
  15. dportela


    From the Terminology of the Imperium: Uhh...why then are there Harmonthep lions in the prequels, if this "satellite" is nonexistent??? Can anyone explain?
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