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Winter Dragon

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  1. It's an uphill battle modding emperor init? :)
  2. If you take a great game like Dune 2 and make too many changes, the game isn't neccessarily great anymore. My approach concerning D2TM would be a cautious one, only suggesting changes to things that were a real nusciance in dune 2, adding re-playability like skirmish and multiplayer but leaving the rest exactly as is. That's what I'd do but it's in your hands Stefan. Whatever you make I'm sure it'll be fantastic!
  3. Are you talking small tweaks with this stuff or radical changes? Also could you use examples of what a unit does with the current combat system, and then what it would do with the ideas you're posting. Ie. Currently a rocket launcher will fire two fairly accurate rockets at a vehicle. With this formula and that anomaly the rockets will land somewhere slightly different each time. Examples like this would help me understand what you're talking about.
  4. Yeah I removed it to make it do something.. SpiceCapcity = 2000 (No // in front) the question is, why isn't it obeying this limit?
  5. Feedback for Alpha 2 Bene Gesserit: Time played: ~18 hours (over four evenings) Bugs found: ~12 Other issues: 3 THE MAKER MODE - I can click on the dark grey territorys that reveal original map colors, including one region for each house. Beyond that I cannot seem to do anything further at this time. DUNE 2 MODE - Harvesters collect spice too quickly (explained further down) - No WOR structure for Ordos. Only barracks. (In dune 2, Ordos had both) - Carryalls don't always face the way they are flying, sometimes they sort of 'slide' on an angle. In the several maps I played they did this on almost every angle, so I don't think it's any specific angle that can narrow down the problem. - There seems to be a limit as to how far structures (including concrete slabs) can be built in relation to the construction yard. I was unable to build beyond a certain distance from my construction yard even though there was ample rock above and below my base. - Some individual tiles of rock cannot be built on, but adjacent tiles of rock that look exactly the same can be built on. In the several tests I played these problematic tiles always border on sand tiles. - When building the quad as atreides, the Trike icon next to it turns to an icon of a Trooper. Once the quad is completed, the Trooper icon changes back to a Trike icon. - Harvesters seem to randomly disappear, or, after a while they vanish. I'm not sure how or why this happens, but the enemy can't attack so they didn't destroy it, and there seems to be no worms on any of the maps either. - Enemy Carryalls appear to fly near your base carrying something, but what they drop off doesn't seem to appear. - No enemy harvesters sighted (I know enemies don't really work yet, but wouldn't the harvester at least sit next to their refinerys? - MCVs don't work yet (probably mentioned) - Nor do starports (mentioned) - Some vehicles get stuck next to or around walls and structures. I'll see if I can narrow down where this specifically occurs. - You cannot build a :: slab on a :. area of rock. The upper right tile would be sand, spice or mountains. (Is it a bug though?) - Just in Dune 2 you could do this which made me wonder why we can't do it in this. (the slab on sand would automatically disappear.) - Money counts down faster than the time taken to upgrade, build units and structures. Just a couple of other things to report. Harvesters collect spice far too quickly. Well, at least in the ten maps I play-tested. I was getting more money than I knew what to do with and this was after building a steady stream of tanks and structures. Money was coming in far too quickly and a lot of precious spice on the map was being wasted. The sidebar at the moment covers the bottom edge of the map. If you have a base down there any rock below the sidebar cannot be built on because the sidebar is in the way. In the several maps I played there was only one real case of irritation here. The inability to distinguish an ordos raider trike with an ordos normal trike without a unit portrait could become problematic, just as it is impossible to tell the difference between a deviator and a missile tank (unless they fire.) Will unit portraits come back in the future or will some other identification system replace this? Other than that, looking great!
  6. Yes, thankyou! 1) Still kinda naff but it's better than it was. The carryall jitters a lot, I wish it'd just fly in a circle instead of constantly hover over the harvester. If there's anway to improve it further I'd like to but it's good enough for now. 2+3) Solved. I removed all lines in the scout entrys except the XAF refence and added the 'loadflagonlypreplaced' commamd underneath. Now I have to go do this to all the other units and structures I don't want. :) I have another three I'd like to solve if possible: 4) Spice capacities don't seem to be working for me. I removed the '//' from "SpiceCapcity =" on Refinerys and set a capacity of 2000 credits, but there's no indication that this limit is in effect. With one refinery built I've raked in 6000 credits and there's no sign of the limit being reached. 5) I replaced the model "G_Harvester" with "In_Sandcrawler". It appears when built and I can select it and give it orders, ...it just doesn't move anywhere. This leads me to believe that it's a static prop only, like a structure. Very disappointing if that be the case. 6) Skirmishes. I'd like to alter the min/max starting credits, the default sub-houses for myself and AI (I want them to be NONE, NONE by default instead of pre-selected) Can it be done?
  7. I've made a 3d model of the dune 2 harvester and I'll post screens of it in a different thread once I've finished off my textures for it. (ETA 4 more days till it's 100% mint!) PS. Does anyone know if Emperor supports normal maps? Probably not eh.
  8. How would the 3d battles work? Would there be 3 infantry per unit card and 1 vehicle per unit card?
  9. I think dune 2 had two key things that I hope you won't change. (And they're only opinions) i) Limited Resources & Slow Harvest times ii) Long ranged Rocket Turrets The first one made you appreciate your harvesters and look after them. Because spice didn't regenerate it was more a spice rush than a military rush. That's what sets dune 2 apart from its remakes and other strategy games out today. It made you value everything you built and purchased, because if you lost your units and structures they would cost precious funds to replace. Attacks weren't so careless and ruthless either. Because of both the first point and the second; rocket turrets being able to demolish units at long range. You couldn't just rock on up to an enemy base with a dozen combat tanks without losing more than half of them on the way in. You really had to look for weaknesses and expoit them. I've drawn these conclusions by what I've seen done with Dune 2000 and Emperor. Both made spice unlimited, fast to collect and money easy to obtain and both made base defenses _absolutely_ useless. - My 10c (because 5c, 2c and 1c are now non-exsistent in the nz economy)
  10. Sorry gang, totally missed the word 'demo' on the page and I posted bugs for the alpha by mistake. I'll play the demo tonight. (Reason for edit)
  11. I need a plugin for max 6.x or 7.x that lets you export to XBF format. Anyone know where to get one? Don't tell me to use milkshape please, I hate that piece of %#^&. :)
  12. If you need a modeller and texturer, I might be interested if your game intends to be like dune 2. I'm a bit of a hardcore fan of the classic, and I hate what they did to Dune 2000 and Emperor.
  13. 1) I need to know how to make harvesters collect spice more slowly. 2) I only want carryalls to pick up a harvester if it's full or you order your harvester to return to the refinery. Unfortunately there is no "return" button for harvesters to request pickup like in dune 2... so I don't know how to best solve my modding issues. 3) I can't remove scouts from the game. It crashes when I remove them from the declaration and infantry sections. However, I can rem out the 'house =' and 'primarybuilding' comments to make them disappear from the build menu, but in doing so two empty spaces appear on the first row of build icons in the infantry tab. Without Scouts being buildable: x x 1 //two empty spaces appear before the first infantry unit. 2 3 4 5 x x //future units appear here as normal x x x Should be like this: 1 2 3 4 5 x //future units appear here as normal x x x x x x Anyone know how to fix it so that the first buildable infantry unit appears in the first icon slot? That's all for now, cheers.
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