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  1. There is a band by the name of Shai' Hulud. And in an episode of the cartoon Billy & Mandy, Mandy enters a beauty pageant and they show her in all sorts of things, and one of the talents I think it is, it was Gom Jabbar. Although she really has her hand in that pain box without the gom jabbar at her neck. But a reference all the same.
  2. Well in defense of the newer books, we don't know for sure everything that led to them. For all you know FH left it in his will that he'd like his son to finish the series with his notes. And whose to say the notes are real or not? You ever met Frank or Brian? I can see why so many hate them, they were not as well written as the original books, but I found them entertaining all the same, especially the ones in the Jihad set! Some stuff didn't gel with the original, but that is to be expected even current series of books have some problems occasionally that aren't taken out before print, could of been oversight? It just comes down to the fact nobody knows the situation except the people in it, and it'd be best not to pass judgment on this thing unless you know for sure what you are talking about.
  3. The sad thing is that you can ask anybody under 20 if they know what Dune is, and most say no. And you ask the most important question, and they tell you that C&C made this style of gameplay...:( And I have to believe that was EA's intent to make sure people remembered that falsehood when they axed Dune from any lineup they have, they won't event support Emperor! Yet they gave me help with Red Alert a few weeks ago, albeit telling me they didn't know how to get it to work on XP. Jesus; how big headed can they be? So, I am not holding out too much misplaced hope that Dune will be announced, EA views it as a stain on their record for not coming up with it first, IMO, and wants to make sure nobody remembers it.
  4. I started working here: http://wiki.dune2k.com/wiki/Dune:_The_Butlerian_Jihad I didn't realize how much information comes out of one book. It sure would help for me to find the book to make sure I get things completely correct. It'd be even nicer if it was to follow the Dune Encyclopedia, that'd be too easy to copy though. :P
  5. 20 was much better than paying the 50 that amazon.com was charging for a used one. And the game is the best, I'm just glad I have it again. So far I've just joined Gunseng have helped to kill Copec. Boy I love this game. 8)
  6. I too enjoy my copy of the book. It's kind of sad that we are being told that everything in the book is the work of some overhyped fan instead of the fact that it seemingly has the seal of approval from the Dune author himself. Some stuff in it sounds off, but most of it has more of a real feel to it than the info given in these prequel books. I wouldn't give up the explanations in the encyclopedia for others myself unless Frank Herbert himself left an Encyclopedia somewhere out there.
  7. Well, the install disk was corrupted, I didn't know that could happen. So I ordered a new copy off of ebay for 20bucks, great deal! Now if the dude would just send it already. :(
  8. You see I go to install my game, and I get to about 65% and the install fails because it can't find a .bik file of some sort. Why must life take the one game I truly could play forever and steal it from me? Especially since it costs so much to replaces it. :( So does anybody know if it is at all possible to get around a problem with a .bik file? I think it's file or am I destined to be forced to scrimp and save to buy the game again?
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