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Voodoo Daddy

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Everything posted by Voodoo Daddy

  1. I just wanted to give everyone a update. I have a server ready, but unfortunately RA1024 has gone missing. I have tried to email and to contact him by phone with no success. So until he turns up and I can get the binaries from him the server is at a standstill.
  2. Did you use the Emperor Install Fix? I am running Win 7 64 bit and had no problems with the install. I ALWAYS use the install fix when installing Emperor and I never have problems. Just follow the directions EXACTLY. When it says copy files to the desktop, do it. After the install you just delete the left over files. Also don't forget the 1.09 patch after installing. Let us know if that solves your problem.
  3. Hey Gob, sorry for posting off topic but I need to ask you about something and PM'ing you didn't work. In the past few days you have sent me over 50 PM's asking me to either approve or disapprove some files? I have no idea what to do. They are also showing up in my email inbox. Just PM me what to do and then delete this post. Thanks, Voodoo Daddy
  4. Interesting, My problem has been finding a box. I threw out a bunch of old PC's a little over a year ago, and now it turns out I could of used one of them. RA said he wrote his server software on Red Hat. So the server would need to run Red Hat 7, 8, or 9 with mysql and php. Which i think are part of the distro. You would need to set up a password during the install, then RA would log on and compile his software.
  5. Please stay on topic. If you want to talk about players, fine. Start a new thread. (Posts about Hamachi are Ok, since until I get a proper server up and running, Hamachi is more or less the De facto server)
  6. OK I finally have some news. I have re-established contact with RA-1024. I spoke with him this past week. Here is what is going to happen. 1- I need to obtain a suitable box (pc) this will not be hard. My nephew has one I just need free time to go get it. 2- I need to Wipe it and then get it set up with certain server software that Ra has outlined for me. 3 - Then RA will upload and compile his Emperor server software to the new box. From that point forward I will be Managing our server. 4- I will test it - then make it available to the Community. One potential problem is that my ISP (Comcast) does not normally issue static IP's. (Which are necessary for this to work) I am also working on a solution to this. Also, I have a Job and a family to support, so this is being done in my spare time. However I am hopeful that I can get this done in about a Month. I would also like to publicly thank RA for taking time from his busy schedule do do this for us, and for all he has done for us in the past.
  7. Westwood used an old version of Safedisk, if memory serves. I would recommend "Any DVD" by Slysoft. It will remove the safedisk on the fly. I have used it for years and it has NEVER failed me. I think it is still a free app.
  8. Good news! I was just contacted by Ra1024. Nunu, if you can get a box ready he will upload the binaries and set up the server! Let me know how you make out so I can update the getting online guide to reflect the new server address etc.
  9. Hey Guys, I just emailed Ra about the Binaries. As soon as he responds I will let you know what he says. Nunu, If he sends me the Binaries I will email them to you straight away.
  10. Yes I am. After the Holidays I will try to contact RA again.
  11. The problem is not hardware, but thanks for the offer. I am still waiting for RA to send me the Binaries.
  12. The XWIS servers always were the "Official" servers for Emperor and the older Red Alert games. First due to EA's support, then by EA giving them the original Westwood server IP's. The reason we all played on RA's server was because the majority of the people who post on this site (read that as the entire Emperor community) can not play on XWIS. This is due to the fact that the Strike Team servers check serial numbers against the old Westwood master list. The vast majority of the Emperor players download the game from one of the many torrents out there and use Keygen serial numbers. RA's server did not check serial numbers.
  13. I was not aware that RA's server supported Dune2000.
  14. The web address would be new. I would need a computer to run the server on. Between Whistler and myself we can come up with the necessary hardware.
  15. Well, I finally have some good news! I have been in touch with RA and he offered to send me the server code. Once he does this I will have to get a box to run the server, and the software to run RA's binaries. The big question is, are there enough people still playing to make this effort worth my while? If you are still playing post below so I can get an idea of how many people still play. If there are enough players I will try to gather the hardware and software needed to to get our server back up. I DO NOT KNOW HOW LONG THIS WILL TAKE! In the meantime I would suggest using Hamachi.
  16. Yes XWIS is up and running. They have the original Westwood IP now so you do not need the connection tool. If you have a legitimate serial, you just launch the game and play. I have tested it and yes it works. If you need to change it back and you want to set your hosts file manually the IP is
  17. No, we are waiting for RA. You can either play on XWIS (if you have a legitimate serial) or use Hamachi. If anyone in the community knows how to set up server software using PvPGN, they could either set up a server or set up the software and then send it to me.
  18. I am trying to get in touch with RA. If I can get him to send me the server software I will host the server. I will let you know if and when I am successful.
  19. Interesting! I will update the getting online guide ASAP!
  20. People still play on Hamachi. I am still trying to contact RA about moving the server. If you have a legitimate serial you can always play on XWIS.
  21. RA1024 is having some problems with the server I have contacted him about the server being down and this was his response. {quote from RA} Hey Glenn, Some hackers got in the other day and I had to shutdown the web server as that's apparently how they got in. It's having trouble rebooting right now and unfortunately I'm under a very tight deadline this week so time's been short. I was about to try something else this morning so hopefully I'll get it back up today. When it goes back up, I'm going to have to keep the website portion offline as I can't risk them getting back in but the game will work. After next week, I'll try to update the web server and php modules and get that back online. {end Quote} So as you can see, we will just have to be patient. Also we will probably be making some changes to the server soon, I will make an announcement about this as soon as I can.
  22. I will contact RA and see what the problem is.
  23. There is no more Westwood, therefore there is no more Westwood chat. Did you by chance read the "getting online guide"? The people here play on RA's server. look for the who's online link in that thread.
  24. Hello all, I have been getting messages from time to time about another Tournament. I know I haven't been on the Forum much lately, but I do check it as often as I can. I have been very busy with work, due to the recession (you know, earning a living, feeding the family, that kind of thing, lol). However, there WILL be another Tournament this year. I just don't know when yet. I want to be able to devote the time to it that it deserves. I think that it should be obvious after the last one, that due to the difficulties in getting 4 people from various parts of the globe together at the same time, that a team tourney isn't going to work. I think that depending on how many people sign up next time, that perhaps I will do two trophies, one for "Elites" and one for us "Mere Mortals" ::)
  25. Where did you get the serial?
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