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  1. At the end of the campaign, the tleilaxu and guild foun that there is a link between the worm and the spice. maybe thats why the worms eat niab tanks... btw one time the worm went near a large group of enemy ifantry, but when it was eating halfway, it stopped. The ifantry didn;t shoot!
  2. It is possible to have 3 sub houses to be allies. I got fremen, ix and sadaukar. I really hate tlelaxu. AT the start (campaign) of the game, a group of tleilaxu attackedmy defenseless base. The leeches do *some* damage but the contaminators... Personally, here is what I think of the subhouses: Ix: Good at cloning, but it really depends on what units u clone. Fremen: A VERY good subhouse.their stealthed. Tleilaxu: sure, they infect our harvesters but if the tleilaxu attacks a base by running into the defenses (wall, turrets) they'll perish. Guild: hmm.. I rarely use the guild. I think they are exspensive. MY tactic is to teleport them to a place (Behind the enemy withou tthem knowing) and let the regenerate. Sadaukar: Their machinegun is almost good at everything. I rushed them with buzzsaws and flame tanks...
  3. hi im new... my most hatred tank..deviator. lost an elite devestator :'(
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