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Everything posted by DelugeD

  1. Yeah thats great if I were looking for one of them, But I am looking for former EMP players,
  2. I imagine this to be linear base driven with cams. If i ever get bored enough ill draw this in a 3d cad model
  3. I know its terrible to plug another title here, but curoius if any of you are playing SC2, let me know Kill em all D-
  4. For yrs we have thought the saem of you. Where the hell u been :O
  5. deluged delugedriver@yahoo.com
  6. That would be 6:30 our time Dark, I beleive our time zone(eastern ) is negative 4 on GMT their time
  7. I think myself and ejrin999 will be capable of handling the likes of u 2 :)
  8. I was reading a book called Delugedriver by Alan dean foster and playing the game TOTAL ANNIHILATION at the time. On this game I played the water maps mostly so changed my name to DelugeD since 1995 and on
  9. Screamin CHeetah Wheelies- Sweet Magnolya
  10. IM still at work at 21:00 your time, but ill try to get on 22:30
  11. Damn 3 am. ouch. advise a better time ill make moves to better assist and help eleviate the burden of such late play . the best I can do would be 6:30pm eastern. Let me know
  12. Someone is very sure of themselves ;)
  13. Its alot better now, you know Trojan ;D
  14. AVAST- Malwarebytes- condom
  15. Check next to my name please-
  16. Who could forget you, or any of u guys. one of the better thigns about this game was the ppl that played it
  17. I see your lvl 6
  18. what he said, anything on this
  19. I still have the sega original and this cartridge. I still play it but using the emualtor. one of the best
  20. Very impressive. gratz Roj and Alch.
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