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Iain McNeil

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Everything posted by Iain McNeil

  1. At the moment not very - but we're planning to release some stuff to help people out. Our previous game has just had a mod reeased which converts it from Egyptians to Romans :)
  2. It sounded like there were some interested people here so like the title says .... http://www.slitherine.co.uk/spartan/downloads.htm
  3. Yep - just went down to Game and its at number 9 in the charts :) PC World are also stocking it, but other than that I don't know.
  4. If you can PM me with an e-mail address we'll see what we can do. Spartan has released in the UK and can be ordered from Just Play's site http://www.justplaynow.com/(k1b2ge55tlb3s155mndocb3p)/index.aspx?a=jff000430 First 2 reviews posted 90 % - http://www.deafgamers.com/04reviews/spartan_pc.htm 80 % - http://gamerankings.com/itemranking...reviewid=339719
  5. Hmmmm... I dont know if the programmer that did this bit hid something there, but there were definitely only ever 3 sides planned. It was about 6 years ago though, so maybe I've just forgotten! I wish I could be more help :)
  6. That is pretty active for a game that is so old!
  7. We can't afford a PR agency yet so its all down to us :) Maybe if you buy our games, then we'll be rich and pay someone else to do the marketing ;)
  8. Maybe one day, but for now we're making empire building strategy games like Spartan - http://www.slitherine.co.uk/spartan/spartan.htm
  9. I doubt that will happen as IG created Emperor for Westwood/EA and IG no longer exists. When they went into liquidation we managed to persaude the lead programmer to join Slitherine, but that's not much use to you guys :( http://www.slitherine.co.uk
  10. Do you guys still use WOL, or is there some other matchmaking service now? Oh.... the pain we had with WOL - I hope they still use it for all the work we took to get it running! Our website was done for a few hours, but seems up and running now so the link should work. http://www.slitherine.co.uk
  11. Sounds kinky ;) I just might do that! I haven't played Dune 2000 for years! I can tell you I was good. I was UK C&C champion & designed Dune to play very similarly so I could win at it :) None of that red alert tank rush rubbish! Too busy right now - just got the German text back for Spartan & have to integrate it.
  12. Thanks & yes it should read Dune 2000 :) Our games all work on a Celeron 500. We deliberately kept our spec low but got panned by the press for it. This time round, with Spartan we have a 2D and a 3D option. The 2D option lets anyone with a PII 300 upwards play & the 3D option lets players get the best from their 3D hardware and hopefully to stop the press giving us such a hard time. Incidentally Spartan went gold yesterday! It ships in the UK on 24th March through Just Play & the rest of Europe & the US will soon follow. http://www.slitherine.co.uk
  13. Gobalopper? Who are you really :)
  14. What can I say - they floundered without me ;)
  15. All voices are in Greek, Latin, Persian etc. There are no English voices. E.g The Romans say "Ave Ceasar" "Io Imperator"
  16. Yea - we'd like to clone him too, so get in the queue ;)
  17. Yes, definitely. We're in final discussions with a number of publishers & hope to make an announcement in the next week or two.
  18. Yea - we try and make things as moddable as possible. We've just had one gamer release a Roman mod for our last game, taking Chariots of War from ancient Egypt to Rome. I think the license would cost us a fortune, but we could check it out :) Any idea who owns it these days?
  19. I'd agree with you if Westwood had allowed to use anything from Red Alert :) Why you may ask..... I wish I could say! Unfortunately we had to write it all from scratch in a year. I didn't do much but work eat and sleep that year! Emperor is a much more advanced game with a much larger team for about 3 years, so it should be better!
  20. Why are you on a Dune 2000 message forum then ;) Often the game you play first is the one you come to love, and I understand this. You'll probably find peole who played Dune 2000 first and then Dune 2 prefer Dune 2000. I'm just glad to see so many people still playing it. Remember, you can't please all the people all the time!
  21. I was surprised and pleased to see that Dune is still alive! My name is Iain McNeil and I was the team leader on the Dune 2000 project & initially on Dune Emperor as well. Its really great to see so many people still getting fun out of a game that we made 5 years ago ( I forget now!)?After 2 years of Making Dune 2000 I had overdosed on RTS gaming and needed a break from it and early on in Dune Emperor I decided I needed to try something new, so that
  22. I was surprised and pleased to see that Dune is still alive! My name is Iain McNeil and I was the team leader on the Dune 2000 project & initially on Dune Emperor as well. Its really great to see so many people still getting fun out of a game that we made 5 years ago ( I forget now!)?After 2 years of Making Dune 2000 I had overdosed on RTS gaming and needed a break from it and early on in Dune Emperor I decided I needed to try something new, so that
  23. I'm not sure if it will give you any more detail than you already have but our web page has lots of info about the nations the Spartans were up against as we are doing a strategy games based on them, called Spartan http://www.slitherine.co.uk We also have an active forum where there are numerous history buffs who would be more than happy to answer any questions! http://slitherine.aimoo.com
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