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Iain McNeil

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  1. At the moment not very - but we're planning to release some stuff to help people out. Our previous game has just had a mod reeased which converts it from Egyptians to Romans :)
  2. It sounded like there were some interested people here so like the title says .... http://www.slitherine.co.uk/spartan/downloads.htm
  3. Yep - just went down to Game and its at number 9 in the charts :) PC World are also stocking it, but other than that I don't know.
  4. If you can PM me with an e-mail address we'll see what we can do. Spartan has released in the UK and can be ordered from Just Play's site http://www.justplaynow.com/(k1b2ge55tlb3s155mndocb3p)/index.aspx?a=jff000430 First 2 reviews posted 90 % - http://www.deafgamers.com/04reviews/spartan_pc.htm 80 % - http://gamerankings.com/itemranking...reviewid=339719
  5. Hmmmm... I dont know if the programmer that did this bit hid something there, but there were definitely only ever 3 sides planned. It was about 6 years ago though, so maybe I've just forgotten! I wish I could be more help :)
  6. That is pretty active for a game that is so old!
  7. We can't afford a PR agency yet so its all down to us :) Maybe if you buy our games, then we'll be rich and pay someone else to do the marketing ;)
  8. Maybe one day, but for now we're making empire building strategy games like Spartan - http://www.slitherine.co.uk/spartan/spartan.htm
  9. I doubt that will happen as IG created Emperor for Westwood/EA and IG no longer exists. When they went into liquidation we managed to persaude the lead programmer to join Slitherine, but that's not much use to you guys :( http://www.slitherine.co.uk
  10. Do you guys still use WOL, or is there some other matchmaking service now? Oh.... the pain we had with WOL - I hope they still use it for all the work we took to get it running! Our website was done for a few hours, but seems up and running now so the link should work. http://www.slitherine.co.uk
  11. Sounds kinky ;) I just might do that! I haven't played Dune 2000 for years! I can tell you I was good. I was UK C&C champion & designed Dune to play very similarly so I could win at it :) None of that red alert tank rush rubbish! Too busy right now - just got the German text back for Spartan & have to integrate it.
  12. Thanks & yes it should read Dune 2000 :) Our games all work on a Celeron 500. We deliberately kept our spec low but got panned by the press for it. This time round, with Spartan we have a 2D and a 3D option. The 2D option lets anyone with a PII 300 upwards play & the 3D option lets players get the best from their 3D hardware and hopefully to stop the press giving us such a hard time. Incidentally Spartan went gold yesterday! It ships in the UK on 24th March through Just Play & the rest of Europe & the US will soon follow. http://www.slitherine.co.uk
  13. Gobalopper? Who are you really :)
  14. What can I say - they floundered without me ;)
  15. All voices are in Greek, Latin, Persian etc. There are no English voices. E.g The Romans say "Ave Ceasar" "Io Imperator"
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